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    Missing you – (Chapter: Decisions)

    "So…do you still want to go to my moms." Spencer laughed when Ashley sat back in her seat and rolled her eyes. She was happy and she really didn’t want Spencer’s mom to ruin this but she really didn’t want to wait. "I guess we should just tell them and get it over with." She gave Spencer a small smile.

    Spencer took Ashley’s hand in her own and traced her fingers from the tip of Ashley’s fingers over her palm and up her forearm, she flashed a sexy smile that made her insides turn to butter. "We could tell her right now and hear her many reasons why she wants to ruin this for me…. for us……or…….we could go home and have our own celebration." With only a few words and a wink, Ashley’s underware were soaked.

    "I…." She couldn’t even talk when Spencer got like this she was in control and it was all Ashley could do to remind herself to breath. Spencer came around the table she ran her fingers through Ashley’s hair so that she had a good grip in the back and pulled Ashley into a crushing kiss, then as if nothing happened she turned and walked towards the bathroom.

    Ashley just watched Spencer as she walked to the bathroom she couldn’t move, she couldn’t stand up, she couldn’t even form a coherent thought but when Spencer turned around and their eyes locked with the same lust filled reflection staring back at her she almost fell out of her chair, she caught herself just before falling on her face and got to her feet.

    She walked in the bathroom and right away was pushed in the stall after locking the door Spencer pushed her hard against the wall her hands were everywhere she put them both in Ashley’s hair and pulled her in for a bruising kiss then she moved the strap on her dress and let her kisses trail hottly down her chin and neck sucking the skin hard enough that she knew she was going to be marked up tomorrow. "Spence." The name was whispered like a prayer.

    "So….do you want to go to my moms….?" Spencer whispered as she lifted the bottom of the dress up to Ashley’s thighs. "Or do you want to go home and…….celebrate?" She punctuated her last word with a small bite on the other side of her neck.

    "Ohh god……"  Ashley takes in a deep breath.  "Lets go home….NOW."  Spencer smiles as Ashley nearly drags her out of the restraunt.



    Stay tuned for….."Were home"


    1. UGH NOT YOU TOO!?! CRIPES! thats the second time in like…the past 5 minutes that i’ve been left fic frustrated lol! GAH! amazing update though. most definitely.

    2. UGH NOT YOU TOO!?! CRIPES! thats the second time in like…the past 5 minutes that i’ve been left fic frustrated lol! GAH! amazing update though. most definitely.

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