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    Missing you – (Chapter: Next step)

    "How are you home?…I thought you had class today, and I guess you didn’t really have a paper…and did you skip school, no duh you would never skip school…." Spencer couldn’t help laughing at her she jumped through thoughts like she was in a circus.

    "Babe, calm yourself."

    "Ohh." Ashley smiled they made eye contact and they both smiled it had been too long and they both knew it.

    "I had class today but it was basically going to be a make up day for people who have missed class and needed to make up notes, so obviously since I would NEVER skip school I didn’t need to be their." She winked at Ashley and smiled.

    "Hmm so you have 3 days with me instead of 2?" Ashley pulled Spencer back to her by the waiste on her jeans. "I wonder what we could do for 3 days." She smiled and Spencer shook her head knowing her girlfriends libido was that of a 16 year old boys.

    "Well as much as I would love too, actually I was wondering if you would come with me, I havn’t seen my parents yet when I got home they were still at work and I just got in my car and left." Spencer gave Ashley her best puppy dog eyes.

    "Ohh dont make that face at me you know I will come with you." She smiled and asked what was really on her mind. Spence….uhh are you going to…..I mean when do you want to tell your mom?"

    Spencer thought about it for a second, she looked down at her shoes. She knew telling her mom was going to suck. When she looked up at Ashley her face was reminded her of the morning after their first time together, Ashley had asked her if she was ok and Spencer had to think for a minute Ashley’s face during that was one of anxious anticipation. "I dont want to ruin this weekend…."

    Ashley jumped in right away. "It’s ok Spence you have a whole month dont worry about it."

    Spencer smiled she could tell Ashley was excited about them moving in together, heck if your gay that’s like getting engaged. "Ash." She waited for Ashley to lift her head up and make eye contact with her. "I was going to say that I dont want to ruin this weekend but I really don’t want to wait to tell everyone." Ashley smiled a relieved smile. "Are you sure I dont want you to feel like you have to." Spencer couldn’t help but smile at Ashley’s attempt to play coy. "Right, you know you are dying to tell everyone. Its ok Ash I want to tell them, just dont be surprised if we spend this weekend moving me here instead of next month." They both laughed a little but they knew it was pretty close to the truth.

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