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    Missing you – (Chapter: Were Home)

    "OHH FUCK SPENCE!" Ashley screamed as her second orgasm ripped through her. She was on fire Spencer’s fingers were moving slowly inside her and her tongue was slowly circling her swollen clit. Spencer had a small orgasm just from watching her fiance. Her body was covered in sweat, her legs were shaking, she kept turning her head side to side, and was constantly running her fingers through her own hair. Spencer had never felt like this, from the moment in the restaurant when Ashley asked her to marry her she wanted her, she wanted to own every part of her. She was no where close to stopping. She slowly pulled her fingers out and lightly kissed Ashley’s clit one time before she climbed up Ashley’s body lightly kissing each breast then moved to her lips. This kiss was not like any they had shared earlier this night it was slow and meant to share emotion, their earlier kisses were much harder.

    Spencer wanted Ashley to feel what she had in her heart she lowered her lips lightly over Ashley’s and sucked on her lower lip they kissed for what seemed like an eternity and each kiss slowly grew more passionate. Spencer scraped her teeth lightly over the older girls pulse point and Ashley knew that she was about to be taken over that edge again.

    "Spence I….dont think I can." Flashes of her first 2 orgasms went through her mind, and her body shook involintarily.

    "Oh….you can………..and you will." Spencer knew that she had pushed Ashley almost to her breaking point but she also knew Ashley could take just a little bit more and she wanted all of her. She sucked in the skin on Ashley’s neck making another mark that would not easily be hidden. She pushed Ashley’s arms above her head and laced their fingers together why she kissed her collar bone. She let go of them just long enough to wrap them around the head board and then ran her fingers from her wrists all the way down her arms and wrapped them under her back.

    "Ash…look at me." Ashley looked up and tried to focus her eyes Spencer had her turning inside out again and when she moved her fingers down Ashley’s body and pushed 3 inside her all Ashley could do was gasp.

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