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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: Here it Goes Again)


    “Gee thanks Aiden.” She said sarcastically.


    “You obviously haven’t had enough sleep.” He said continuing his jackass ways. “’Cause you are grumpy.”


    “I’m going to bed. Don’t wake me up when you come in the room.” She said and then walked away.


    It seemed as though the honeymoon stage of their relationship was over. She wondered if that would be the same with Ashley. God, she hoped not. Although, there wasn’t really an official relationship there, maybe the honeymoon stage was still there…


    But usually that stage was over with after a couple of weeks. It has been two months and Ashley hasn’t changed one bit. Maybe that was just the way Ashley was. If so, Spencer was happy for it.


    Morning came too soon and Spencer had no idea what to do. Aiden would be expecting her to go to work, but she was without a job. There was only one thing to do. Continue with the lie. She decided upon going about her morning as usual. She would get ready for work and collect her things. Then she would make a quick breakfast for her and Aiden, and then she would be on her merry way. The only question that dangled above her by the time she was on the road in her car was where to go.




    “You know I don’t mind the company” Ashley began softly as Spencer lay gently in her arms. “But you can’t run from home every morning. You have to tell him sometime or another.”


    “I know, just…not today.”


    “I understand.” Ashley gently rose from her position on the couch and began slipping a pair of Converse All-Star Chuck Taylor High Tops on. “I would really like to stay here with you, but I have to get in the studio. Barry said he would kill me if I missed another day because of a pretty face. Meanwhile, make yourself at home and call if you need me.” The brunette leaned down and kissed her blonde lover on the forehead before departing.


    Why did Spencer do this to herself? Every morning she would tell herself that she would just ignore the existence of the brunette to make her life easier, but somehow she just found herself back in that whirlpool of life and love. Somehow each of those emotions led her to Ashley.


    Ashley was her life. She had become the reason to get out of bed in the morning. That was more than Spencer could ever say for Aiden. He was the reason to go to work and drown everything in teaching. Suffocation.

    Ashley was her love. She became dependant on that feeling of love and now wouldn’t last a day without it. This was it. None of the things she felt for Ashley had she ever felt for Aiden. She needed to sit him down and tell him. God knows Spencer loves him and would hate if anything hurt him, but she isn’t in love with him the same way she is in love with Ashley.


    She would do it tonight when he came in from work. She would sit him down on the couch and let him know that it had to end and that she would be leaving to be with Ashley. The thought of it was of course going to be easier than actually putting it into work, but she had to do it. She had to try for the sake of her and Ashley’s relationship.





    1. what a wonderful way to wake up. This whole school investigation things. yeah. that sucks. but how is super ashley and her taking care of the girl. hope spence can sort her self out before she ends up hurting all sides of the triangle. I like that Ash uses writing to get her feelings out. Spence the peeping tom. ha! Excellent job peanut

    2. o.m.fing.g.i love it. i was like..cant leave for school…have two more pages. i love love love loved it. Muah, magnificent writing. wish i had half your talent. :] i love you peanut

    3. so…that was pretty damn amazing!!! I can’t believe the principal. Whenever he told Spencer what the investigation was about, flucking crazy, flucking crazy. Aww, for ASh and Spence. just an ick for Aiden. He always ends up an ass, always…especially compared to Ash!! PMS!!! ps Just wanted to let you know how mush I LOVE your stories! I don’t comment a lot but I do love them,with a passion. You send my brain waves a shakin’!!

    4. Ok. I’ve decided to list the things I love about this post. I love that Spencer was having sex while on the phone with her boss. I hate that Spencer is getting the 3rd degree…but I also love it. I love that Ashley got upset for Spencer’s sake. I love the note that Ash wrote Spence. I love the Tv dinners. I love the passionate making out. I love that Ashley thinks Spencer is beautiful even without makeup. I love that you make it so easy to hate Aiden. I love that Ashley is the 1st place Spencer thinks to go after the she realizes that she can’t stay in the house all day. I love that Ashley helped Spencer change. I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!! Except for Spencer being accused of being a pedofile or w/e. That was nasty. You are amazing. I can’t get over how much I love this story. When I see and update for this story, my heart beats faster, my stomach is in my throat, and my palms get all sweaty. It feels like love. And I realize I’ve been saying love a lot but if Ashley finally admits (if only to herself) that she loves Spencer, then I should be able to admit my love for all things sonXluffer. Right? Ash writes ’em down, I write ’em down. Sounds like a fair deal to me. Update soon so I’m not waiting in agony. Thx in advance.

    5. HEY!!!! WE LOVED this chapter, especially the NC-17 part, LMAO!!! ANyways, we hope that Ashley and Spencer will be able to have their OFFICAIL relationship with each other because they do belong together. PMS and i hope that you are okay and that you will get all of the things that you want for CHRISTMAS!!!!! LOVE YOU HONEY——YOUR MOMS (aka Mandy and Erin), LOL we are such DORKS!!!!!

    6. what a wonderful way to wake up. This whole school investigation things. yeah. that sucks. but how is super ashley and her taking care of the girl. hope spence can sort her self out before she ends up hurting all sides of the triangle. I like that Ash uses writing to get her feelings out. Spence the peeping tom. ha! Excellent job peanut

    7. o.m.fing.g.i love it. i was like..cant leave for school…have two more pages. i love love love loved it. Muah, magnificent writing. wish i had half your talent. :] i love you peanut

    8. so…that was pretty damn amazing!!! I can’t believe the principal. Whenever he told Spencer what the investigation was about, flucking crazy, flucking crazy. Aww, for ASh and Spence. just an ick for Aiden. He always ends up an ass, always…especially compared to Ash!! PMS!!! ps Just wanted to let you know how mush I LOVE your stories! I don’t comment a lot but I do love them,with a passion. You send my brain waves a shakin’!!

    9. Ok. I’ve decided to list the things I love about this post. I love that Spencer was having sex while on the phone with her boss. I hate that Spencer is getting the 3rd degree…but I also love it. I love that Ashley got upset for Spencer’s sake. I love the note that Ash wrote Spence. I love the Tv dinners. I love the passionate making out. I love that Ashley thinks Spencer is beautiful even without makeup. I love that you make it so easy to hate Aiden. I love that Ashley is the 1st place Spencer thinks to go after the she realizes that she can’t stay in the house all day. I love that Ashley helped Spencer change. I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!! Except for Spencer being accused of being a pedofile or w/e. That was nasty. You are amazing. I can’t get over how much I love this story. When I see and update for this story, my heart beats faster, my stomach is in my throat, and my palms get all sweaty. It feels like love. And I realize I’ve been saying love a lot but if Ashley finally admits (if only to herself) that she loves Spencer, then I should be able to admit my love for all things sonXluffer. Right? Ash writes ’em down, I write ’em down. Sounds like a fair deal to me. Update soon so I’m not waiting in agony. Thx in advance.

    10. HEY!!!! WE LOVED this chapter, especially the NC-17 part, LMAO!!! ANyways, we hope that Ashley and Spencer will be able to have their OFFICAIL relationship with each other because they do belong together. PMS and i hope that you are okay and that you will get all of the things that you want for CHRISTMAS!!!!! LOVE YOU HONEY——YOUR MOMS (aka Mandy and Erin), LOL we are such DORKS!!!!!

    11. stylo that was fricking amazing dude!! esp the first part that was so so hot. nearly choked on my biscuits while reading it. u were rite shouldn’t have read it at work but i cant resist it!!anyway love that finally spencer see the light and is going to end things with pathetic aiden and move on with the fabulous ashley. i just hope she doesnt choked. and i have no idea how spence is gonna face both the investigation and the fallout with aiden at the same time. so super ash better be on duty to save her yet again!!

    12. stylo that was fricking amazing dude!! esp the first part that was so so hot. nearly choked on my biscuits while reading it. u were rite shouldn’t have read it at work but i cant resist it!!anyway love that finally spencer see the light and is going to end things with pathetic aiden and move on with the fabulous ashley. i just hope she doesnt choked. and i have no idea how spence is gonna face both the investigation and the fallout with aiden at the same time. so super ash better be on duty to save her yet again!!

    13. Aw, and having read it before didn’t stop me from getting all hot and bothered. People are really sexy when they’re getting hot and saying your name. Especially when it’s spontaneous. Ok, i have to go find something else to do now… *cough*

    14. Aw, and having read it before didn’t stop me from getting all hot and bothered. People are really sexy when they’re getting hot and saying your name. Especially when it’s spontaneous. Ok, i have to go find something else to do now… *cough*

    15. DAMN..I seriously dont know how you writers make me feel all these emotions..Im pissed at the stupid ass principle! Im happy and floating 10 feet in the air because od Spencer and Ashley soon to be relationship..then im sad because It almost NEVER happens that way and something BAD will come of this..but all I’ve got to say..Aiden better let Spencer leave..because if he doesnt he better pray to buddha!! I’ll send bob the janitor..seemed he missed the icky lady that turned Spencer in…GRRR..LOVE IT GUMMY WORM..oh and the sex was way way way HOTT!!! DAMN! ;)

    16. DAMN..I seriously dont know how you writers make me feel all these emotions..Im pissed at the stupid ass principle! Im happy and floating 10 feet in the air because od Spencer and Ashley soon to be relationship..then im sad because It almost NEVER happens that way and something BAD will come of this..but all I’ve got to say..Aiden better let Spencer leave..because if he doesnt he better pray to buddha!! I’ll send bob the janitor..seemed he missed the icky lady that turned Spencer in…GRRR..LOVE IT GUMMY WORM..oh and the sex was way way way HOTT!!! DAMN! ;)

    17. Wow Tease i`m so proud of you. You did a wonderful job writting this. Damn thats mess up about spencer getting fired. I so love ashely in your story she is so sweet and loving. Can i have her for my very own. Hopefully when spencer tells aiden it wont be so bad. And the sex was wonderful. Damn actually it was HOT. Heres the happy dance for you. You have so made my day. With such a great post. Cant wait to see what happen next. PMS

    18. Wow Tease i`m so proud of you. You did a wonderful job writting this. Damn thats mess up about spencer getting fired. I so love ashely in your story she is so sweet and loving. Can i have her for my very own. Hopefully when spencer tells aiden it wont be so bad. And the sex was wonderful. Damn actually it was HOT. Heres the happy dance for you. You have so made my day. With such a great post. Cant wait to see what happen next. PMS

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