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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: Your Sins into Me)

    “Aiden,” the blonde greeted him with a kiss on the cheek which caused Ashley to shiver just a bit. “What are you doing here?” She asked as politely as she could. Spencer couldn’t help but notice the distance in his eyes along with the redness.


    “Just getting out of the house for a while,” He lied.


    “Oh, well…” She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She was one to be blunt. “You look like crap. Why are your eyes so red?”


    “What? Oh right, I didn’t get any sleep last night without you to hold onto.” He flirted openly.


    “Right, anyways,” Spencer said feeling a bit nervous. She could see Ashley was hurt a bit by what was happening.


    “Hey Ashley, are you keeping my girl in line?” Aiden asked whilst wrapping his muscular arms around Spencer.


    Ashley stared blankly at the gesture. Then she looked at the look on Spencer’s face. She looked as scared and pale as a ghost. “Of course,” Ashley knew what would happen if she stayed and continued trying to lie. “Well, I better get going. Can you catch a ride with Aiden?” Ashley asked.


    Spencer escaped Aiden’s grasp and walked up to Ashley. “I can but…” She was cut off by a hug. “What are you doing?” Spencer whispered into the girls’ ear thankful the curls of her hair blocked the visual sight of her lips moving.


    “I don’t want to mess anything up for you.” Ashley whispered and then pulled out of the hug quickly before it lasted too long. “It was nice seeing you again Aiden.” She said simply before attempting to walk away. A hand caught her wrist and pulled her back.


    “Wait,” Spencer said with her grasp still on the brunette’s arm. “You’re still coming over for dinner right?”


    Ashley could see the pleading in the girl’s eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was upset her. “Of course, I’ll call you.” And she walked out of the lose grip too easily.


    Aiden stood next to Spencer watching the girl walk away. “What was that about?” Aiden asked referring to the long hug.


    “Uh, nothing really, but we need to go to the grocery store. Ashley is coming over for dinner and I want to cook.”

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    1. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    2. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    4. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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