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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: Heartbreaks and Secrets pt.1)


    Paula was busy cleaning when she heard Ashley walking in. Seeing the brunette’s distraught face she immediately walked over to her and wrapped her arms around the Martian.

    “Ashley what’s wrong,” Paula cooed. “Did Spencer not like the gift?”

    “No it is not that,” Ashley muttered wiping her eyes. “It is something else. Spencer and I are no longer together.”

    “What?” The older blonde gasped. “What happened?”

    “It is a long story,” the Martian replied. “I have never felt this way before Mrs. Carlin. It hurts really bad right here,” she informed pointing towards her two hearts.

    Paula gave her a sympathetic look and cupped her cheek. “Ashley, honey, why don’t you go sit in the living room and I’ll bring you some tea? We’ll talk if you want to.”

    Ashley nodded and did as she was told. Paula let out a sigh and shook her head.

    Spencer’s Bedroom

    “Nice going,” Madison growled shoving Spencer. “Because of you, that poor little innocent creature has just had her … hearts broken!”

    “I deserved that,” Spencer whispered looking down.

    “No,” Madison hissed getting in the blonde’s face. “You deserve to have your ass kicked. I told you this was a stupid fucking idea from the beginning but did you listen to me?”

    Spencer winced. “No.”

    “No! You didn’t!” The Latina yelled. “You were too caught up with who you thought was the perfect girlfriend to realize you already had the perfect woman right in front of you!”

    The blonde began to cry.

    “Go ahead cry, I don’t give a fuck,” Madison shrugged. “You didn’t know this but everyday at school every fucking day Ashley would have heaps of women toss themselves at her but you know what she would say when they’d put the moves on her?”

    “What,” Spencer sniffled.

    Madison sighed. “She would say sorry but, I am in love with Spencer. Too bad she didn’t realize her precious Spencer was a lying whore who’d put anybody on the back burner as long as it meant getting closer to Carmen.”


    “I don’t wanna hear it! You better go talk to that Martian.” Madison hissed walking out of the bedroom.

    Spencer nodded and hurriedly rushed downstairs. She found the brunette clutching a pillow to her chest sitting on the couch.

    Taking a deep breath she took a seat on the far end. The Martian glanced up at the blonde with saddened eyes and quickly looked back down.

    “Ashley,” Spencer whispered hoarsely.

    “Why?” Ashley suddenly blurted tearfully. “Why did you do this to me?”

    “I never wanted thing to turn out this way.”

    “I am … was in love with you Spencer,” the Martian hissed.

    “Was?” The blonde repeated.

    “I do not know how I feel about you now,” Ashley shook her head. “It feels like my hearts have been smashed into little pieces.”

    “I’m so sorry,” Spencer replied looking down.

    “Has everything been a lie,” the Martian questioned through tears.

    The blonde’s silence was a good enough answer for Ashley. Wiping angrily at her tears the Martian stood up and prepared to leave. Spencer quickly took hold of her hand.

    “Not everything,” she said quietly. “I mean most of it … was but I began to have feelings for you though Ashley.”

    “Why? Because you began to feel guilty and sorry for me,” the Martian growled snatching her hand from Spencer’s. “I am going for a walk and do not follow me,” she informed walking towards the front door.

    Spencer quickly stood up and tried to grasp the brunette’s hand. “Ashley wait!”

    Ashley whirled on the blonde, “Leave me alone!” She yelled as her honey brown eyes turned into a bright red color.

    Spencer immediately backed down slightly frightened. She’d never seen the Martian this angry before. In fact, she’d never seen the Martian angry period.

    The Martian turned back around and quickly headed out of the house. Spencer tried to catch sight of her through the window but Ashley was nowhere to be seen. She let out a sigh and leaned her forehead against the glass.

    She jumped suddenly when she felt a hand grasp her shoulder. The blonde quickly turned and around and saw her mother looking at her with a blank expression.

    “We need to talk,” Paula stated before moving into the kitchen.

    Spencer frowned in confusion and followed her mother. She had a feeling something bad was about to happen.


    1. dun dun dun…. what’s gonna happen? will they end up together? hmmm I can’t wait to find out! props to madison for giving it straight to spencer. she needed to hear all that. I can’t wait to see what paula has to say. excellent update! pms please!!

    2. Yeah, you tell her, Madison! Is Spencer an alien? Is Paula? The drama teacher is totally an alien! Is Ashley mad because she suddenly realized she’s in love with me?! So many questions! Awesome update, I’m so excited to see where you take it!

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