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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: Time To Face the Music)

    Ashley’s Bedroom

    The young Martian couldn’t believe what she was watching on the video tape. It was unbelievable. The brunette was so stunned she didn’t know what to do.

    Spencer’s Bedroom

    It was two in the morning and Spencer, for some strange reason, could not go to sleep. There was something nagging at her but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

    She shrugged and slowly headed out of her room. Some heated up orange juice always put her back to bed. Don’t ask why it just does.

    On her way past Ashley’s bedroom she saw a neon glow coming from under the door. Spencer was just gonna shrug it off thinking the Martian was just having another conversation with her alien daddy, but her curiosity got the best of her.

    Slowly she opened Ashley’s door. The blonde saw the Martian sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the television in disbelief.

    “Ashley,” she whispered moving closer. “What are you watching?”

    “It’s you,” Ashley replied quietly not tearing her eyes from the television.

    The Martian’s tone frightened the blonde slightly. She took another step closer. “It’s me what?” Taking in a deep breath Spencer turned to look at the screen. Her eyes widened.

    “Oh my God Ashley turn that off,” the blonde screeched.

    “Why,” Ashley questioned.

    “Because it’s embarrassing,” Spencer huffed. The video was of a three year old miniature Spencer taking a bath, splashing in the water, yelling incoherent words.

    “Spencer, I have been trying to figure out what language you are speaking but I can not figure it out,” Ashley informed scratching her head in confusion.

    The Video Tape

    “Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba!” The little blonde yelled hitting the water with every word. She crossed her little arms and looked up at her mommy.

    “What’s the matter my yittle girl,” Paula cooed from behind the camera.

    “Mama!” Spencer huffed. Her mommy can clearly see what’s wrong with her why would she ask? “Gimme my Ba Ba!”

    “Okay, here you go, but it’s gonna get wet Spencer,” Paula warned as she handed her spoiled daughter her stuffed toy.

    Ashley’s Bedroom

    Spencer hurriedly hit stop on the dvd player. “You really don’t need to see that next part Ashley okay. Why don’t you go to bed?”

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    1. awwwwwwwwwww spencer needs to really make this up to ashley, like seriously, she should consider just staying on her hands and knees to beg forgiveness for weeks…and to…you know, NOT beg but to do OTHER stuff…I’m sure you understand what I’m saying

    2. whoo hoo im back from vegas and was happy to see an update :) ok so…the vid was funny and cute, spencer is an ass, ashley is the sweetest thing ever, and paula is my fav lol she cracks me up man but now im wondering what the vid was supposed to b…hmmmmm… anyways pms please!!! :D awsome story

    3. ok I wanna kill spencer right now. ugh she’s pissing me off like you wouldn’t believe. thankfully she realized carmen is def not for her but still ash got hurt in the process, and after everything she went through to find the toy for spence. oh and paula… lol she cracks me up. excellent update, pms!

    4. Poor Ashley. To say that Spencer deserved the kind of date she had with Carmen would be an understatement. She deserved it and more. And what is up with Paula?? She knows something.

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