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    My Drug – (Chapter: All Over You)

    I thought maybe this time it would take awhile before I got ditched again. I thought, but I really need to stop thinking cause it’s getting me fucking nowhere. Ever since she started talking to me again, she’s talked to a little less every day. God, I knew this was coming. Why didn’t I just listen to Aiden? But I thought at least I’ll have Friday night right?

    Well Friday came around but it wasn’t what I had expected. It wasn’t even close.

    “Ashley,” Spencer stated in a serious tone as I walked to my locker. Right away I knew it didn’t sound good. But I tried to remain optimistic. I had to.

    “Hey Spence,” I replied trying to force a smile.

    “Listen, we need to talk.” It was all she had to say, and I knew exactly what came after it. It was the exact replica of the bull shit she’s been using for years. But this time I was going to beat her to the punch.

    “Have fun,” was all I said before turning around to walk away. I needed to get the hell out of here before the water works started. The tears begged to come out, but I shut them out. Not this time. Not ever again.

    “Do you even know what I was going to tell you?” she asked confused.

    “You’re about to tell me you’re going to ditch me because Casey doesn’t want me there. Except you’ll try to smooth the edges and it might come out different. It’d probably sound like, I really want to go with you, but Casey feels we haven’t spent enough time together. Or I miss you so much. We’ll do it later, I swear,” I mocked her. “But we never really do ever do it later Spencer. Do we?” My fist were clenched and I bit my bottom in lip in hope to control my emotions.

    “Ash,” she started.

    “No, forget you,” I spat. “Why couldn’t you just let it die when I was ready to be done with you? You couldn‘t even respond when I, I told you I loved you…” I was more sad than pissed. Aiden was right, it was just more heartache. “Just tell me Spencer. Do you love me, even as a friend? Am I the only one this is important to?”

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    1. I really feel bad for Ash. I’m glad that Ash stood up to herself since Spencer keeps on pulling the same stunts. Spencer needs to get her act together before Ashley gives up on her or something. PMASAP.

    2. watch this time spence wasn’t going to ditch her that’d be funny ash going all nuts and spence was really going to ditch casey that’d be good, sad that this keeps happening pms

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