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    My Drug – (Chapter: Kicking an Addiction)

    It’d been five months three weeks and six days since they’ve been dating. Yeah, I’ve been counting. By this point in their relationship, he’s even sitting with us at lunch. Have you ever tried eating a tuna fish sandwich while watching someone feel up someone else? Lets just say tuna doesn’t taste so good the second time around. Sometimes I’d literally have to go to the bathroom so I could go throw up. It got so bad that I finally just gave up sitting with them. So I sat with Aiden all the time.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like Aiden but have you ever watched the kid eat? Honestly nothing gets in his mouth. I don’t know where the fuck it all goes. His cloths probably absorb most of it and my cloths manage to cover the rest.

    After being ignored, the third wheel, forced out of my own table, and spilled on, I came to a conclusion. It was time to get over her. No matter how much I was in love with her, no matter how she made me feel, it had to end here. And that’s exactly what I was going to do. After being in love with her since the sixth grade, years later I decided I just can’t do it anymore. My hearts so worn out, it can’t take it anymore. My brain can’t decipher through anymore of these chaotic thoughts. It was over, plain and simple.

    Sure, you’d think why not just tell her how I feel, but it’s bad enough that she never has time for me. The last thing I need is to be humiliated. She doesn’t feel the same, so what’s the point?

    Now for the hard part, how do I do it? I figured most of it would be simple. She ignores me half the time anyways. Ever since Homecoming I’ve been trying to avoid her. The hard part would be when she paid attention to me. How do I reject her? I guess I’ll just have to reject her like she rejects me. The thought made my eyes water. It’s really over…

    Everything was going fine. I hadn’t even had an encounter with her in a week. Guess that just goes to show you how much our friendship meant to her. I thought for once, maybe, just maybe, I’ll get over her. God was I ever wrong.

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    1. I’m glad Ashley finally is trying to get over her addiction. I felt really bad for her since Spencer was taking advantage of Ashley. I can’t believe Spencer chose a guy over her best friend, but then again I’ve seen it happen before. I wonder what’s going to happen next. PMASAP.

    2. ashley didn’t really give spencer a choice, she never said him or me or that i love you so choose no she just yelled at her and said i used to love you, for spencer it came out of the blue she had no clue any of this was going on cuz ash never told her never hinted at the fact. i mean i am happy ash is trying to get over spencer and become her own person which she needs to do learn to stand on her own two feet but spencer didnt have a chance to take everything in and decipher her feelings toward ashley so now instead she’s down a best friend and someone to talk to and so is ashley, maybe this could have been avoided if ash spoke to spencer but she kept everything to her self pms

    3. sad that it had to come to this point but spencer was taking ashley for granted and it had to end one way or another. i just hope spence realizes now how selfish she’s been. great update!pms!!

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