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    My version of Season 2 – (Chapter: chapter 1)

    i felt the sun glaring in through the window pounding its heat upon my cheek. i look up wondering where i am, then i suddenly relize ashley beneath me sound asleep. i lay there with my head on her chest admiring her peacefulness while sleeping. i reach out my hand to brush away a strand of her beautiful brown her out of her face. she wakes up to the feel of my touch on her cheek. she smiles when she notices me practically on top of her.

    "hey babe"ashley says while taking a slight yawn

    "Good morning sleep head" spencers says with a slight chuckle of laughter

    "Last night was….uh….AMAZING!"

    "Yes i seem to think so…" Spencer smles brightly

    a big smile appears on ashleys face and she just stares there admiring spencers beautiful blue eyes… 

     spencer reaches for her cell phone that had been kicked under the bed in the midst of last nights events.

    "WOW!!" spencer shouted, "37 missed calls!, 14 messages!"

    "who was is it?"

    "you know just my bitch of a mother and a couple calls from clay, glenn, and my dad"

    "maybe you should try and call them back babe, you want me to make you some breakfast spence?"

    "okay ill try, and sure thanks baby"

    ashley gets out of bed slides on some boxer shorts and throws a white tank over her head and heads downstairs.

    without even listening to the messages because of fear, i thought it would probly be safest to call my dad so i did. after 3 rings he finally pickced up.


    "Hey Dad, why did you guys call me so many times?"

    "oh hey spence, how are you doing? yes about the calling so much"

    "well what did you want?"

    "its about your brother glenn..he’s….."

    "he’s what? is there something wrong? dad what happened!"

    "listen hunny calm down, he is fine, he is in the hospital as we speak"

    "what! why?" a tear slowly fell down her cheek

    "he was playing street ball with a couple people and he hurt his knee real bad, he might never be able to play again"

    "im on my way right now!" spencer hung up before her dad could say anopther word she threw on the clothes she was wearing last night and ran downstairs still trying to get her shoes on in a hurry.

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