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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    Chapter 2:


    Waiting outside the club, listening to the heavy techno music, I pull my jacket a little tighter around me as a chill runs up my spine. I look around once more, hoping that Aiden’s mystery girl would show up soon.


    “Alright man, it’s been 10 minutes, where the hell is she?” I say agitatedly.


    “Look dude, just chill out, she’ll be here in just a minute.” He says to me trying to get me to calm down.


    All of a sudden a girl walks up behind, spins him around, links her arms behind his neck, then proceeds to kiss him for all he’s worth. The kissing becomes more intense. So intense in fact, that she ends up shoving him against the wall of the club. They’re still making out, oblivious to me standing there; I wait a few more seconds, trying to keep from hurling at the sight in front of me, before I clear my throat. They barely pull away from each other, she leans hr forehead against his, she whispers a “hey”, and then he does the same.


    “Um, hey I hate to break up this disgustingly sweet… thing or whatever it is, but do you think we could go inside.”


    The sound of my voice breaks them out of there trance. Aiden and the girl pull completely away from each other and start to walk over to me. As they do I finally notice the girl’s attire; polished black army boots, with black stockings tucked into them, a lacey black skirt. There are small chains hanging from the loose belt that she wears around her waist. She’s wearing a black corset with what appears to be a blood red tank top underneath it. As they get closer I notice her face. To my shock, she’s the spitting image of Spencer, except that her face is covered very heavily in dark make up and her hair is dyed so dark that the black almost looks blue. The only thing that really sticks out is her eyes, which are an bright ocean blue.


    “You must be Ashley; it’s nice to finally meet you, Aiden talks about you all the time.”


    ‘Jesus she makes it sound as if they’ve been dating for awhile now.’ I think to myself, but I just put on a smile and say, “Yea well, it’s nice to finally meet you too, you’re all he ever talks about too.”

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    1. I am currently editing the third chapter and hope to have it up soon. So don’t worry I will continue with it until ppl get bored with it. Lol.

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