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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)


    “Dude, it’s not that bad, in fact it’s pretty cool.” He says to me.


    I look at him as if he has grown two heads not believing what I just hear him say, “Cool, cool, you call this cool!?” I yell at him in a fit of rage. “This isn’t cool man, this is fucked up, this is fucked up beyond belief.”


    I grab at his arm trying to pull him toward the door, he just stands there and doesn’t say a word, he just stares at me.


    “Come on dude let’s get out of here.” I tell him.


    “No,” he replies to me, “I want to stay here and you promised you would stay for at least an hour.”


    I look at him like he’s crazy for a second and then yell, “Man, I can’t believe you want to stay here with these freaks!” he tries to interrupt, but I don’t let him, “Fine you can stay, but I’m leaving.”


    With that I walk away, shoving my way through the crowd of vampires. A few of them get in my face hissing, I push them away with all of my force sending them sprawling to the floor of the club. As I step out onto the sidewalk, I lose myself in my thoughts, and go in some direction, any direction, it doesn’t matter, I just start to walk. At some point I make my way back to the apartment. When ever I come to its dawn and I’m lying on my bed. I get up and go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I then go knock on Aiden’s door, he’s not home yet. I go into the living room and turn the T.V. on, there’s nothing on except for infomercials and music videos, I settle for the music videos. I sit there with the volume low, waiting for Aiden to get home.


    A few more hours pass before he walks through the door, looking dog tired and at the same time like he had the best night of his life. I sit there for a moment, staring at nothing before I slowly turn my head towards Aiden.


    “Where the hell have you been?” There’s no emotion in my voice as I turn my head back toward the television.


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