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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)


    “I was with Josie all night.”


    “Hmm.” I grunt out as I take a sip of my beer, that I had gotten a few moments before he walked through the door.


    “Isn’t it a little early to start drinking?” he asks me.


    I just shrug and continue to stare straight ahead, then just to be a smart ass I take a long swig of my beer. Aiden starts to fidget while I sit there and stare with no expression on my face, not saying anything to him.


    “Look, Ashley, I know you’re upset and a you’re a bit freaked out, but dude give it a chance.”


    I turn my head back towards him, so fast that I almost get whiplash, at the sound of his words.


    “Give it a chance?” I say and my voice starts to rise, “Have you gone crazy!?”


    “No I haven’t gone crazy, but Josie has shown me some stuff and…” he starts to argue, but I interrupt him.


    “Oh, so it’s your new little girlfriend that has shown you the light of vampires and their fucking familiars, huh?” I ask sarcastically, “Look Aiden this shit is sick and dangerous.”


    “I know that!” he yells.


    Aiden glares at me in rage for a moment and all I do is glare right back at him.


    “You know I had a bad feeling about all of this since the beginning,” I say to him, “that’s the real reason I didn’t want to go last night and look I just so happened to be right. Listen to me man; you don’t need to get caught up in all of that…”


    Before I can continue he cuts me off, “I’m not, alright,” he tells me, “Josie even said that I didn’t have to. She told me that it’s really exhilarating, but it was my choice of whether I wanted to do it or not. So you don’t have to worry alright?”


    I look at him, trying to see if he’s lying to me or not, before I sigh out “alright” and then get up and go to my room. All I want to do is sleep and forget about everything and that’s exactly what happens. I sleep well past 6 p.m., when I wake up I go to the kitchen to see if there’s anything to eat, there’s nothing but beer and old take out. As I start to go back to my room, I see Aiden on the couch, he has his notebook out and he’s writing. He stops suddenly, and then looks up at me with a smile.


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