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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Prologue/Chapter 1)


    I sit there looking at him lying there in the hospital bed. He’s whiter thana ghost, his wrists are stitched and bandaged. He looks so frail, like if I touched him he would break into a million pieces. He;s just laying there. So still, so quiet. The docters say he should be waking up sometime soon. They say he’s been out this long because of all the blood loss. I think it’s because he doesn’t want to wake up. Because he knows that once he does wake up he’s going to have to face what he has happened.

     As I’m sitting there watching him I think back over these past six months and the events that have caused us to come to this point. I think about these past six months that have pushed us to nearly become enemies. Six months of everything that we have worked so har for being ripped apart and thrown away. And over what?!? Some girl who had lied, cheated, and been nothing but decietful.

     Straight from the begining I knew that something wasn’t right, but I ignored the intense feelings of forboding and now I’m sitting here while my best friend is fighting for his life, blaming myself. Telling myself that I could have stopped it. Deep down I know that I couldn’t have dont anything to change the outcome, but that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t have tried harder. So many ‘what ifs’ and ‘but I cound haves’, the bottom line of it all is that; he  chose to be with her and he chose to do the things that he did and now these are the consequences. I’m trying to convince myself of this, but I just can’t.


    Chapter 1:

    "Dude you seriously have to meet her." he tells me, as we exit the building. We just spent the last hour and a half listening to Professor Know it All, talk about music and it’s influences. He had no idea what he was talking about and seemed equally as bored as his students. Aiden and I had spent the whole class texting each other and coming up with new ideas for some new songs.

    "Man I talked to her for like two minutes…"

    "Wow," I interupted him, "the longest conversation that you’ve had with a girl since we moved out here."

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