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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Ahm, Excuse Me But That's MY Girlfriend You're Hitting On)

    That was the last real peaceful moment we had before we left. I watched everyone pile up into the car dressed for the even everyone had been dreading. My girl just took a seat by the window, and never said a word. Sitting next to her, I silently took her hand in mine and rubbed circles on the back of it. She squeezed my hand back appreciatively.

    As we pulled out of the driveway I recognized the sadness written on everyone’s face, because it was written on mine too.


    Yesterday had been absolutely perfect. But the morning after was less than great. Cause the whole time all I could think about was I have to leave so she can get ready to go on a date with someone else. So my girl can go on a date with someone else, someone who wasn’t me, because her family could never accept me. But my own parents couldn’t accept me, so how the hell were Spencer’s parents supposed to?

    She had done her best trying to comfort me, but I still felt helpless. There was nothing I could do or say to make her stay. No matter how uncontrollably the tears flowed or how I begged, we both knew it was useless. So, I left with as much dignity that I could gather. I watched her go out with someone else.

    “Ash cheer up,” Aiden stated as I sat on his bed looking as glum as I did when I left Spencer’s house this morning.

    “God, why does this hurt so much Aid?” I asked miserably.

    “Because you love her,” he answered being my only advice since Marie was gone.

    “Well how do I make it stop hurting?” I asked wanting to crawl into a hole and die.

    “You can’t,” he replied sadly. “You just got to believe that she loves you back, and she wouldn’t do this unless she had to.”

    “Yeah,” was all I said while I lightly traced over the patterns on Aiden’s bed spread.

    “Hey guys,” Jamie walked into Aiden’s room all hyper making me want to punch her for interrupting my Aiden time and looking happy. How dare you be happy when I’m upset! Ok… so I was overreacting. I couldn’t help it. All I wanted was to be cuddled up in my girls arms right now.

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