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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Aiden's Right…The End is Near)

    When night started to fall, I couldn’t help but worry. Clay must have felt the same, because he joined me on the couch to wait for her.

    “She’ll be alright,” he read my mind. When things went wrong, he always seemed to know what to say. But I guess after dealing with Spencer for so many years, anybody would be easier to try and comfort than that stubborn girl.

    “I know,” I sighed. “But I still can’t help but worry.”

    “She always comes back to you Ash. No matter how bad things get…”

    He was right. No matter how bad things got between us, she would always come back. And when things were bad at home, she would always come to me. She didn’t want to talk about it, and that’s when I first started learning the little things she would let me comfort her with.

    Summer was coming to a closing as September crept closer and closer. The temperature would drop, and soon enough, we’d be covered in feet of snow.

    Spencer was unusually quiet today. Throughout the whole movie she never spoke a word. Sometimes I wondered who this girl that I melted for really was. I mean, she won’t even let me in past the threshold. All I wanted to do was see the girl behind the mask.

    “Spencer,” I started unsure of what I was supposed to say that wouldn’t make it seem like I was trying to help her. “What’s wrong?” I just came out and said it.

    “Nothing,” she shook her head, making me roll my eyes.

    “Spencer,” I sighed aggravated.

    “Seriously Ash, it’s stupid,” she shook her head as if brushing away her thoughts.

    “Maybe I won’t think it’s stupid,” I tried to get it out of the brick wall, knowing it wouldn’t be easy trying to persuade the stubborn girl.

    “Yes you will,” it was her turn to sigh as a glazed over look seemed to spread across those ocean deep eyes, infecting my only connection to the truth.

    “Try me,” I dared her making sure to make eye contact. If she wanted a stare down, well I’ll give her a stare down.

    “Come on Ash…”

    “Try me. Are you too chicken to even try?”

    “I’m not chicken.” she insisted getting upset, her change of emotions bringing a new meaning to life in her blue orbs

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    1. Poor ashley hopefully she can find spencer and help her. I also think it’d be cool to see what spencer’s thinking so that we can know why she keeps running from ashley. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!!!

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