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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Anybody Up For A Midnight Swim?)

    After Spencer walked away, I decided to go back to the house. When I got there Paula just looked at me coldly before heading towards the liquor cabinet. I could tell this was going to be a long couple of days.

    “Where’s Spencer,” Clay asked me realizing I came back alone.

    “Where’s Spencer,” Clay asked me realizing I came back alone.

    “She went for a walk, but she’ll be back,” I sighed knowing that no matter how horrible the situation, she always came back to me.

    “She went for a walk, but she’ll be back,” I sighed knowing that no matter how horrible the situation, she always came back to me.

    I don’t know how Spencer came up with the idea or how she convinced me for that matter. But she had some how managed to drag me out of my house in the middle of the night to go swimming.

    “Shhh,” Spencer put a finger to her lips, and pulled my arm with her other hand as she led me to the beach.

    “Spencer why are we doing this?” I asked her as I allowed her to drag me despite the feeling in the pit of my stomach that said we were going to get caught.

    “Cause it’s fun,” she smiled as we reached the shore. “Come on,” she urged me.

    Sighing, I took sat down to take off my shoes ands socks, when I heard a splash. Spencer was already in the water, and looking next to me, I realized her cloths weren’t.

    “God you’re slow,” she taunted me from the water. “Tell me you’re not coming in with your cloths on,” I could see her smirk even in the dark.

    “Well, I don’t know,” I stammered nervously.

    “Bock, bock, bock,” she made fun of me as she treaded the Mississippi’s water.

    “Stop it.”

    “Bock, Bock.”

    “Fine,” I gave in. I self consciously began slipping off my shirt exposing my skin to the warm summer night. My pants were soon slid off, leaving me feeling bare.

    “I’m coming,” I whispered to her walking to the water.

    “You still have cloths on,” she laughed enjoying every minute of this, making me wonder if she had planned this whole thing.

    “But,” I stammered nervously. Yep, she planned it.

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    1. I’m totally up for a midnight swim especially if its with ashley…j/k. Spashley swim was pretty cute though. Hopefully spencer won’t do something stupid. PMS

    2. Really good story, keep up the good work.You may want to reread it before posting though, there seems to be a number of sections repeated one after the other.

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