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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Haven't You Ever Heard Keep Your Elevator Eyes To Yourself ?!)

    Have you ever had one of those nights when you’re so drunk off your ass that you can’t even comprehend what you are doing? Well this wasn’t one of those nights. I could feel the girl squirm underneath as I pinned her up against the wooden swing. I remember every sound she made, every whimper, and every plea. For tonight, I was going to escape reality with her. I don’t know how much we had to drink, but it wouldn’t really matter until we woke up tomorrow anyways. Pushing my cares aside, I let there be one night of pure drunken bliss.

    Leaning down to kiss the girl underneath me, I could help but admire her beauty. Everything about her was perfect. Her flawless smile, her toned stomach, arms, legs, ass… But then there was her eyes, those deep pools of blue that I could get lost in forever. Brushing a stray hair out of her face, I felt a smile flash across my face.

    “What are you thinking?” Spencer asked.

    “Just how much I love you,” I smiled knowing how cheesy I sounded, but I couldn’t help it. Even the moon light seemed to compliment her.

    “Come here,” Spencer pulled me down by shirt, into a crushing kiss.

    “So what kind of practical joke are we playing on your mom tonight?” I asked loving every minute of this.

    “Hmm, well I suppose we could tp her room,” Spencer laughed.

    “I like the way you think.”

    “Or we could just stay here and sleep under the stars,” she replied looking up at the midnight sky.

    “Another good idea,” I laid down next to her on the swing. The stars seemed to shine more brightly than ever. They called out to us, almost as if we could feel there presence. Sometimes I’d look up at the sky and wonder if anyone was looking back at me. Part of me wanted to believe that they were more than just balls of fire burning up the black space. No, it was more like everyone in my life who ever disappeared. They said they wouldn’t leave, and maybe this was their way of letting me know that they intended to keep their promise.

    “I love you,” Spencer whispered into my ear.

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