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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: If You Won't Go Away Will You At Least Stop Talking?)

    Ah, was all I could remember thinking when I woke up due to the stupid bright light filtering in through the window. Painfully looking over at Spencer’s side of the bed, I realized she wasn’t there, but the bathroom light was on.

    “Spencer,” I mumbled rubbing sleep out of my tired eyes before stumbling towards the bathroom.

    “Spen…” I reached the door. Well I at least found her. Her head was buried inside the toilet feeling last nights after shock. “It’s alright baby,” I knelt down besides the vulnerable and sick girl on the cool tile floor and traced small circles on her back whispering comforting words.

    “Ash, I don’t feel good,” I could feel the girl tremble underneath my hands miserably. But there wasn’t much I could do for her, and it broke my heart to not be able to help her. Today wasn’t a day she could just curl up in a dark room either. No, today was already going to be hell.

    “Shh, it’s alright Spence,” I tried to comfort the girl ignoring the headache that slammed against the inside of my skull. Ibuprofen would be able to take care of most of it anyways. “Come on,” I whispered trying to help the girl up off the floor. “You can sleep for another hour yet,” I tried to speak soothingly as I helped her get into bed. I knew that her feeling sick was more than just the hangover effect. Wiping hair out her sweaty face, I laid down next to her, and did my best to help her get to sleep again…

    I couldn’t sleep that night. Spencer fell asleep as soon as we laid down on Aiden’s futon. But all I could think about was what had happened earlier today, with Spencer’s mom, my mom, Marie… Everything always had to get so complicated, and with school a week away, it was going to be getting even more complicating. I didn’t know how to not be around Spencer twenty four seven. And then there was the weird thing with Jamie. I didn’t think she was going to be a major problem, but it did help add to my already growing anxiety. I wasn’t looking forward to any of it…

    The week went by faster than ever. Every moment possible, I spent with Spencer. Aiden never asked what happened that night. He knew that I’d come to him if I really needed to talk.

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