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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'll Tell You Mine If You Tell Me Yours)

    When Paula came down the stairs, I actually felt sorry for her. I could tell she was having a really hard time with all of this. She didn’t seem to want to cause anything today either, because she walked right past me without a second glance. Today she wasn’t just playing the role she was meant to. Today she was really feeling it all. It wasn’t fake tears she was trying to hold back, or shivers that were wracking her boy. She was genuinely sad.

    At this point I felt like I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt awkward, out of place, and useless. Everyone around me looked so sad, and the one girl that needed me the most, wouldn’t let me help. All I could do was wait, wait for the shower, wait for this day to end, wait for my girl to come around. So, I sat down at the counter, and I waited.

    The first day had been hell, and well, so was the rest of the four days. I had been praying for the weekend to come, almost on my hands and knees. School had just started, and I was already losing my mind to those brick wall and never ending hallways. Everything about that building screamed get out while you can!

    I had been hanging out Spencer after school every night her mom would let her. Every since that night she came home to find us on the couch, well she’s been a little less than friendly to me. She was very suspicious, so she didn’t always let Spencer hang out after school. When she wasn’t going to let Spencer hang out Friday night, I came up with an idea that was guaranteed to work.

    “Spencer just tell her you’re going to Aiden’s,” I told the girl as I picked her up after school. “You know she’ll never say no to that.”

    “But you’re going to be there,” she replied staring at the cell phone in her hands undecidedly.

    “She won’t know that Spence, and I need to see you tonight baby,” I begged the girl. “Please Spence. It won’t be lying, cause we’ll be at Aiden’s.”

    “Maybe if I talk to her she’ll let me hang out with you.”

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    1. jamie just aggrevates me. even when she speaks im just like go away u digust me. even though she has done nothing wrong yet its just taken to long to knock down spencers walls. love it

    2. Oh man…I’m dying to know whats going to happen. Eventhough jamie hasn’t done anything yet it seems she knows exactly what she’s doing and its not gonna be pretty. PMS!!

    3. Ashley’s the virgin in this fic, thats a little different, but I like it. I wouldn’t trust Jamie even if you the author said she was okay. PMS!!!

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