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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: It's Alright, He's One Of The Girls)

    By the time I got out to the hallway, Clay was trying to intervene.

    “Would you both just knock it off,” he yelled growing angrier than I ever remember seeing him. “This isn’t about either of you.”

    “You shouldn’t have called her Clay,” Paula spat.

    “It’s her father too. She has every right to be here.”

    “He wouldn’t have wanted her here,” Paula yelled.

    “How would you know?” Spencer screamed, her face turning a shade of red as the blood pumped faster through her veins. I could visibly see her shaking with anger. “You don’t know anything about the relationship I had with him.”

    “I know he never loved you,” Paula stated coldly putting a end to any chance there might have been to having a civil conversation. It took everything I had to not run over and hit Paula. She knew this would hurt her daughter the most.

    “Mom!” Clay yelled looking to his sister to see the damage that was done, but he wouldn’t see the full damage. No, but I could. I could read her eyes as if she telling me exactly how she felt. And from those deep pools of blue, I saw that the last comment broke her. It broke her heart, shattered her dreams, and took away the last bit of hope she had left. But would she show it? No…

    “Fuck you,” Spencer spat walk past her mother, down the stairs, and out the door.

    “Spencer,” I called after her, only to be stopped by Paula.

    “I want you gone,” she said with venom.

    “Yeah, and I want you to remove that stick up your ass, but we don’t always get what we want. Do we?” I returned her evil glare before running after Spencer.

    Aiden finally called this morning. It almost felt weird hanging out with him, and not hanging out with the gorgeous blond haired beauty that I had come accustomed to.


    “So what have you been up to lately?” I asked Aiden as we walked along the sidewalk.

    “Not much, just hanging with some of the guys,” he stated before he paused nervously stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. “I kinda met someone.”

    “Really?” I smiled happy for the boy. It was rare that he found a girl he got excited about.

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