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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Jessica Alba or Megan Fox, Such A Hard Choice)

    Have you ever gotten one of those lingering feelings that won’t seem to go away? This whole trip I’ve had this feeling that something drastic would happen that would change everything. Maybe I had been watching too many movies lately, but I was still waiting for the twist in the plot. Everything had been pretty much a jagged path so far. I knew it was only going to get worse before it could get better, but I had hope. Something was coming, I just didn’t know what.

    By the time I got to Spencer house, she was lying on the couch upside down channel surfing.

    “Well aren’t you productive,” I smiled loving the fact that I was with my girl again. I had seen her yesterday, but in those few hours I felt like I was going through a withdrawal.

    “Well maybe if somebody wasn’t so slow,” her blue eyes smiled back at me with dancing curiosity shining through. I couldn’t help but wonder what she had planned for tonight.

    “So where are your parents at?” I asked making sure of there where abouts before I said anything out of the ordinary…”

    “Mom’s at work. Dad is at the church.”

    “What about Clay and Glen?”

    “Both are out for the night?” she grinned as she seemed to undress me with her eyes. Weirdly I couldn’t help but feel I should have spent more time in the gym yesterday.

    “Well in that case,” I pulled her into a much needed kiss. She seemed happy to oblige. When it ended, I couldn’t help but whimper as she pulled away.

    “Someone a little over eager?” God she had too much control over me… I love it.

    “No,” I pouted. “I just wanted to greet my girl.”

    “I could get used to that kind of a greeting,” she smiled so brilliantly it made me want to stay this way forever, with her forever.

    “So what did you have planned for tonight?” I asked.

    “Uh the usual.”

    “So making out then?” I asked hopefully.

    “Movie night!” She exclaimed.

    “Ok, I can deal with that,” I replied knowing we wouldn’t be paying much attention to the movie.

    “Ok then Transformers or The Eye.” Wow such a tough decision. In the Eye you get to watch Jessica Alba. In Transformers there’s good music and Megan Fox…”

    “So what’ll it be Ash?”

    “Hmm, Transformers,” I decided since I probably wouldn’t be watching much we might as well have the music.

    “Good choice.”


    When the movie started, the showdown began. I couldn’t tell you anything about it, all I remember was pinning Spencer down on the couch, and feeling the girl playfully squirm underneath me. Heated breaths caressed my skin. Hands slid rhythmically up and down my sides, sending chills through my body.

    By the time the movie was almost over, we finally started to watch it. Spencer slid into me, as she actually let me hold her. Shallow breathing, and the even rise and fall of her chest told me she was asleep. Snuggling further into her, I let the warm body take a hold of me as my eyelids grew heavy.

    By the time Spencer and Glen came inside, the food was cold and needed to be reheated. I gave Clay a “I told you so” look.

    By the time Spencer and Glen came inside, the food was cold and needed to be reheated. I gave Clay a “I told you so” look.

    “Hey baby,” I felt Spencer hug me from behind surprising me with her change of mood.

    “Hey,” I smiled loving the feeling of Spencer pressed against me. “How are you feeling this morning?” I asked.

    “Alright,” she lied. I knew it was a lie, even though she sold it very well. I could tell Glen and Clay believed her, but I knew better. She would pretend to be ok. She always did.


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