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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: No, I Don't Want Any Girl Scout Cookies…But Yes I Will Take You)

    I don’t remember how I had managed to get the girl into the car with me, but we were on our way now back to the Carlin residence. Not a word was spoken between us. Spencer just returned to her window, starring out at the street lights that we passed by. I didn’t know how she was going to take these next few days. No doubt, they were going to be hard on her. But I’d be here for her every step of the way, even when thought she didn’t need me.


    When I opened the door to see Spencer and Aiden standing there, I was surprised. But to open the door and see a very pissed off Spencer and a very reluctant Aiden, well that caught me off guard even more.

    “Ashley we need to talk,” Spencer stated making me wonder if this was a dream.

    “O, o, ok,” was all I could stutter out.

    “I’m sorry Ash,” Aiden seemed to previously apologize for what I didn’t know, but judging from Spencer’s facial expressions, it was going to be bad.

    “Well, what did you want to talk about?” I asked cutting to the chase. I was never a big fan of suspense. Seriously, we all know the killer is in the room they’re going into. What’s the point of a three minute walk and over repetitive music?

    “Can we talk in private?” Spencer asked looking at Aiden and then back to me.

    “Right, I’m going to go,” Aiden saw this as his cue to sneak out. But I made sure to make a mental note of dealing with him later and giving him a evil glare.

    As soon as the boy was gone, Spencer’s stare went from the door to me. And with arms crossed, and a furious expression, I wasn’t too excited for this conversation.

    “Why didn’t you tell me?” was all she said, not helping to clear up any of the questions in my mind.

    “Tell you what?” I asked, hoping she wasn’t talking about what I had just told Marie. No, it couldn’t be. Only me, Marie, and Aiden… shit Aiden.

    “You know what I’m talking about Ash,” she stated moving closer while I was already trapped by the couch behind me with no place to go.

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    1. Great post :) But I still need to know what caused Spencer to not trust Ashley as much anymore, cuz Ashley talks about doing something that messed it up?

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