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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt)

    Moments crept by. Tomorrow was on the horizon, and so was a whole lot of heart ache. I watched the girl next to me invent her own reality, one where everything on the outside was all fun and games. But we both knew the war raging on the inside.

    “Glen is going to run to the liquor store,” Spencer sat down next to me on the couch. “Do you want anything?”

    “It doesn’t matter,” I sighed. Truthfully I would drink anything you put in front of me. After awhile you can’t really taste it much anyways.

    “Ok,” Spencer smiled quick kissing me before she went to talk to Glen. Looking at the clock, I knew that this escape she had created wouldn’t last long. Tomorrow was on its way, and nothing was going to hold it back.

    I really didn’t understand what was going on, but when I opened my eyes the warm body that was once there was gone. Frantically looking around, I found Spencer and Paula having some sort of heated discussion. And even though they were trying to keep their voice down, I could still hear them…

    “Mom it was nothing,” Spencer told her mother clearly frustrated.

    “What would your father say?” the angry blond woman fired back.

    “He would know it was nothing. Mom she’s my friend.” It took me a moment to wake up, but I think I was finally grasping what they were talking about. I don’t know why it hurt when she said that it was nothing, but I couldn’t help but feel it cut, even when I knew she didn’t mean it.

    “Friends usually don’t cuddle up with each other when they fall asleep. What ever happened to that Aiden kid?”

    “He has a girlfriend,” Spencer answered.

    “Well what about all the other boys your father has set you up with?” Paula asked making me squirm a little bit in my seat. She was suspicious before she had proof. I couldn’t help but wonder what she would think now.

    “Just because I don’t go on a second date with a guy doesn’t mean I don’t like guys in general,” Spencer spat back lying through her teeth. If I could see her eyes right now, I knew that it would have killed her to say that.

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    1. Yeah drinking away your problems doesn’t really work. They only get worse the morning after. Hopefully Spencer will stop avoiding soon. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!

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