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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Who's Afraid Now?)

    Closing my eyes and letting the relief pass over my tired body, I relaxed into the water mercifully pouring down on me as it washed away everything. I was so caught up in it that I didn’t even notice the bathroom door opened, or the girl stripping down.
    Feeling two arms wrap around my waist and a kiss planted on my neck, I knew the sopping wet body behind me. I could tell who it was in the darkest of nights. From every dip to every curve, I loved everything about it.

    “Mm, I miss feeling you,” Spencer whispered against my ear, leaving me to melt in her arms. “How long has it been?”

    “Too long.”

    When the phone rang, I knew it couldn’t be good. And judging from Spencer’s reactions, I wasn’t good.
    “Mom,” Spencer sighed. “No, tell him I appreciate it, but really don’t want to. Why? Because I’m sick of all these blind dates. I’ll find someone on my own. Mom, Mom!” Spencer closed the phone before looking at me apologetically already breaking my heart before she even had time to speak.

    “Ash I’m sorry,” Spencer looked at me with sadness filling those blue orbs.

    “Another blind date?” I sighed painfully. It hurt enough to watch her go on a date last time when we weren’t dating and Aiden was taking her, but I was afraid that this would hurt a million times worse. “Please don’t go,” I couldn’t help but beg pitifully.

    “Ash,” Spencer looked around at Aiden and Jamie. “Could you give us a minute?”

    “Sure,” Aiden replied sympathetically before getting up and leaving the room, Jamie following closely behind almost looking somewhat happy, but I didn’t give it much of a second thought.

    “Ash,” Spencer sighed running her hands up and down my arms comfortingly. “You know I love you more than anything in the world.”

    “Please Spencer,” I could feel the tears start, and I didn’t know if I could hold them back. I didn’t want to see my girl go out with someone else. She was supposed to be MY girl.

    “Baby you know that I have to. But it’s only one date,” she tried to comfort me. “I don’t want to either, but I have to.”

    “Spencer,” I pleaded miserably knowing it was no use.

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