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    Never Back Down Р(Chapter: Would It Be Clich̩ to say I'm Falling For You?)

    When the door opened, we were met with a sad smile.

    “Come in,” Clay ushered us inside the house. Standing in that house, I couldn’t help but feel like I was seventeen years old again still trying to figure out even who I was. Spencer looked just as confused as me.

    “How are you holding up Spencer?” Clay asked knowing that his little sister would lie and say she was just fine.

    “I’m alright. How about you?” she returned the gesture.

    “It’s been hard…” he sighed. “Glen went with mom to the store a little while ago. They should be back soon.”

    “Does she know?” Spencer asked sounding broken.

    “No,” Clay shook his head. “I’m not quite sure how she’ll react.”

    “I do,” Spencer replied. “It’ll probably only be worse that Ashley’s with,” she sighed looking at me.

    “She’s gotta understand Spence,” I assured her.

    “Yeah right…” she said sadly. “I’m going to go take a nap though,” she informed me before walking up the stairs, and leaving me with a very sad looking Clay.

    “I’m going to go sleep too,” I told him. “Make sure to wake me up when the drama starts…”

    It was another gray day. Minnesota weather had stuck again, leaving me stuck inside the house with nothing to do but talk to Marie, the Maid.

    “Marie, I’m bored,” I complained plopping down on the couch.

    “Why don’t you call Spencer?” she asked.

    “Her parents said that they didn’t want her running around all the time around town.”

    “So invite her over here,” she replied like it was an obvious answer.

    “I don’t know,” I sighed. “It’s just a little weird. I mean, she’s so used to the traditional family, and lets face it, mine is far from.”

    “I don’t think she’ll care Ashley,” Marie assured me. She was always the one I went to for advice. Not my dad or my mom. No, in order for that they’d have to be around once and awhile, and not traveling the world as if they never had a kid, a mistake.

    “Fine,” I gave in.

    I had to go pick Spencer up since she didn’t know where I lived. By the time we got back to the house, it was raining. We had to run through the pouring rain to get to the house, and by the time we got inside, we were both drenched.

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    1. i’m still not sure why they are there or what’s going on in the fact that paula doesn’t know unless its her being gay but can’t wait for more

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