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    Next Contestant…

                    “Well then I suggest you find something that is on the menu and maybe then I can help you.” She replied, moving past him to the next customer trying to get her attention. His eyes narrowed as she continued to ignore him for the next couple rounds. He obviously wasn’t used to being ignored, especially by girls. She finally had no one else waving her down so she walked back over to where he was sitting. “Did you decide what you want?”

                    “Give me three Bud Lights,” He answered, “And go ahead and open a tab.” She nodded and turned around to get the requested drinks. As soon as she had turned though I saw him wink at one of his buddies before he reached over the narrow bar and slapped her ass. She turned around, furious as he laughed and got a high five from one of his friends. She was just about to motion for one of the bouncers but I was already beside him, tapping on his shoulder.

                    “Excuse me,” He turned around, and smirked when he saw that it was a girl.

                    “What can I do for you honey?”

                    “Did I just see you touch my girlfriend?” I asked, cocking my head to the side as if asking an innocent question. He smirked and looked at his laughing friends. Obviously my five three frame had them underestimating me.

                    “Yeah, you did. But don’t worry, she liked it. All you little lezzies are just looking for a real man to straighten you out. Why don’t you let Brian here buy you a drink?” I felt my eyes narrow as my fists balled up.

                    “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and never touch my girlfriend again?”

                    “And what are you gonna do about it?” He asked, sneering as he looked over my frame again with condescending eyes.

                    “I wouldn’t suggest trying her mate,” Nick, one of the regulars said, leaning over to where we’d caught a lot of people’s attention.

                    “I wouldn’t suggest talking to me, faggot.” The guy shot back, standing up. He was tall, and obviously spent more time in front of the mirror than most of the girls. He shot me a smirk before leaning over the bar towards Spencer again. I reached up and caught him by the tie, dragging him backwards. He gagged for a second but while he was distracted I laid my fist into his face. He groaned as he grabbed his face, blood already starting to come out of his nose.


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