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    Next Contestant…

                    “What the fuck?” He asked, straightening up as his friends stood up around him. He went to backslap me but I grabbed his arm before it could make contact and twisted it behind his back, shoving him into the bar. Most people were laughing at him at this point, seeing as someone nearly a foot shorter than him was quite obviously already kicking his ass.

                    “I think it’s time you left.” I growled, shoving him hard into the bar before letting go and stepping back.               

                    “Why don’t you try to make me dyke?” He answered, obviously trying to regain his pride.

                    “Gladly.” I smirked, grabbing him by his tie again and distracting him enough that I was able to swipe his feet out from under him so that he hit the floor with a loud thud. He groaned at the impact but when he tried to sit up I put my foot on his chest and shoved him down again. By that point the bouncers had made it over, chuckling.

                    “One of these days we’re just going to give you a job Ash,” Max, the main one, joked. He made the douche in a suit like a toy as he leaned down and easily hefted the guy to his feet. “Let’s go, maybe you can come back when you learn to show our bartender respect.”

                    “You’re gonna get in trouble one of these days,” Spencer said, pushing a bag of ice wrapped in a towel across the bar towards me for my hand. I just winked at her and picked up her hand to kiss her fingertips.

                    “Maybe if these fuckers would keep their hands to themselves I wouldn’t need to do it for them.” She just rolled her eyes playfully and moved down the bar to help out someone else. I sat back and finished my drink as people smiled at me and even shook my hand. I was used to this; people didn’t usually see a small framed girl take on huge guys. I just nodded at them and got Spencer’s attention so that she could get me another drink.

                    “Go slow tonight baby,” She whispered, pushing another glass towards me. I just winked at her and took the glass from her. I knew what she meant by that, and felt a warm rush through my stomach.


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