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    Next Contestant…

                    I didn’t waste time getting rid of her shirt and bra, leaving her completely bared to me. I kissed my way down her body, breathing deeply of her scent before diving in, attacking her clit with my lips, teeth, and tongue. She pushed her fingers into her own hair, breathing deeply as I manipulated the sensitive ball of nerves.  I let my tongue separate her folds before teasing her entrance, savoring her taste as much as I could. I let the warm muscle enter her, flicking it up to drag against her warm walls. She nearly broke my nose with how fast she bucked up but I just held her down and continued the intense pleasure. She was letting out little mews and moans, informing me of just how close she was to coming again.

                    I pushed two fingers into her again before sucking her clit into my mouth, fluttering my tongue over the bud and making her try to buck up again. I let my fingers saw in and out of her as fast as I could make them move before deciding to add another. She let me know how much she appreciated this by reaching down to grab my hair. I kept up the fucking, sucking on her clit and doing my best to push her over again. She dug her fingers into my scalp, writhing all over. I finally bent my fingers up and expertly hit her g-spot, making her freeze suddenly, her head thrown back as she came all over my still moving fingers. She collapsed against the leather, breathing heavily. I smiled as I cleaned her up gently with my tongue, not attempting to arouse any further. She was still attempting to catch her breath when I settled myself on top of her, laying a few kisses on her face playfully. She brought her hand up to brush my hair back before pulling me down into a kiss. I grinned into the kiss, making her chuckle.

                    “I love you,” I whispered into her ear, making her smile threaten to rocket off her face.

                    “I love you, but I should get dressed.” She laughed when her words brought out my pout. “You can take them off later though.” I chuckled and stood up, picking up her clothes and helping her put them back on.

                    I sat back down at the end of the bar, motioning for the second bartender to make me a drink before Spencer came back out. As soon as she stepped out of the office and to the back of the bar people were throwing their hands up, trying to get her attention. She was one of the most popular bartenders in the area. I rolled my eyes as I saw a few of them smirking confidently at my girl. Here we go again…


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