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    Next Time

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    When I first realized I liked girls, I had this fantasy. I was about fourteen when I began to notice girls. Anyway, I would imagine what my life would be like when I was older. Instead of a husband and three kids, I had this vision of a sexy, toned, beautiful wife. Everything about her would be perfect, especially looks-wise. She would have long, straight hair and a killer smile. Her eyes would tell a story and she would carry herself with such confidence. She would have that attitude, the I-Don’t-Give-A-Crap attitude.

    Her body would knock me out.

    She’d be thin, but not too thin. Her frame would be petite, but display muscle, you know, abs. Her thighs, would be thick and she would wrap them around my head. 

    Don’t even get me started on what her boobs would look like.

    Anyway, a year went by and I hadn’t even came close to finding someone who fit that description. Hell, the girls I met were pretty, but not real sexy. There’s a difference. See, there are girls that look beautiful, gorgeous and you want to make love to them. Then, on the other hand, there are girls that are so damn sexy, you want you rip there clothes off and fuck them right then and there.

    That’s what I was looking for.




    By now you are probably thinking you should feel sorry for me because I never found that amazing girl.

    The only thing is, that I did find her.



    A groan slips out of my mouth when the commercial comes on. See, the thing is, television can only keep me entertained so long. I desired, no craved, something….better….to keep me occupied. The only problem was that the girl who usually keeps me busy is working late. I do try to wait up for her, but my body gets tired and I accidently fall asleep. See, with my job, I have to get up around five in the morning, so my body does become restless.

    I switch the button on the remote to turn the tv off. My mind was quickly wandering off, as the program was not exciting me anymore. No, there was something else exciting me.

    Flashbacks of what happened here, in this bed that I’m in at this very moment, were playing like an old movie inside my mind.

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