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    Next Time Around: 2 – (Chapter: Catching up)

    Ashley walked into the kitchen to see her blonde lover standing in front of the coffee pot filling the back of it with water. They had been together for years, yet her breath still captured itself somewhere above the lungs, but beneath her throat every time she saw her. The brunette wrapped her arms around her wife from behind and lightly placed small kisses on the back of her neck leading upwards to her ears. She began to lightly place kisses around Spencer’s ear lobe causing a long sigh to escape. “Mm, good morning, baby.” Spencer said bringing her lips to Ashley’s. The angle was all wrong and straining her neck was hard, but the kiss was worth it.


    “EW, get a room.”  A girl said while grabbing a piece of bread and placing it in the toaster.


    The brunette laughed and reluctantly pulled away from the blonde. “And when exactly are you moving out?” She playfully joked. “I’m just kidding. But seriously kiddo, we have got to find out what you want for your fifteenth birthday.” She said placing a motherly kiss on her daughter’s cheek.


    The girl wiped it away with her hand earning her a playful ruffle of her hair. Spencer came up next to her and lightly fixed the hair and sat down. “There has to be something you want for your birthday. Fifteen is a big one.”


    “Actually, I kind of have a question. But you both have to promise not to get mad or upset.” Amanda said nervously. She looked so much like Ashley. Her brunette hair and chocolate eyes were almost a spitting image. There were differences though, like her hair was straight rather than curly. Both parents were thankful that her style was more like Spencer’s was when she was that age.


    Ashley worriedly looked at Spencer and then back at Amanda. She took the seat next to her and looked her in the eye. “Sure honey, anything you need to know.”


    Both adults were more nervous then they thought they could be. “I want to know who…” Amanda paused, “Who my father is.”


    “Come Again.” Ashley spoke shocked. She wanted to make sure she heard it correctly. They knew this would be coming soon. Amanda was growing up and she would soon know that the reproductive system did not mesh well with her parents. On top of that, her birth certificate had been mysteriously moved numerous times over the last month.

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    1. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Oh my god Tease. You have made me so happy. Heres the happy dance for you. I love it. Next time around is my very favor story on here. And now part2 to it. Hell yes. You have made my night. This story is very wonderful and i`m so excited to see where it goes. I need more more. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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