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    Next Time Around – (Chapter: Echo)

    Ashley drowsily lifted herself from Spencer’s bed and exited the room in a tired manner. Upon passing the mirror she stopped and looked at herself. She looked as bad as she felt. Her curly strands of hair went in every direction and her makeup was running a bit. On top of it all, her head was pounding and her stomach was turning due to the smell drifting from the kitchen. Mr. Carlin must have been cooking breakfast.


    I think about your face
    And how I fall into your eyes
    The outline that I trace
    Around the one that I call mine
    Time that called for space
    Unclear where you drew the line
    I don’t need to solve this case
    And I don’t need to look behind

    Close my eyes
    Let the whole thing pass me by
    There is no time
    To waste asking why


    She went down into the room where the smell was coming from and saw Arthur standing in from of a smoking pan of food. “Hey, Ashley how are you feeling?” He asked a bit quietly knowing the effects of a hangover.


    “I am feeling a lot like death run over twice.” She said as she took a seat at the kitchen table. She rested her head on her hands and sighed.


    Soon Arthur appeared with a bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water. “Thank you.” Ashley said as she took the objects and swallowed them roughly. “Mr. C, if I was straight, not with your daughter and about 18 years older, I would so marry you.” She joked as Arthur went back to the stove.


    He giggled slightly. “Thanks.” He said easily as he scooped a yellow substance onto a plate. “I figured you wouldn’t be up until well after noon, but I made you an omelet anyways.” He said placing the plate in front of Ashley.


    Between the scent and the thought of things going in her stomach, she felt sick once again. “Thanks,” She said preparing to force down the meal. “I couldn’t sleep well though. Room reminds me a lot of Spence and some memories.” It was true. All night she had tossed and turned all night. No matter where she laid her head, the scent of Spencer rose from the sheets, the pillows, even the clothes she was wearing. She didn’t sleep easy.

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    1. HEY KID!!! I am happy that you posted a chapter today!!!! I am glad that Ben is letting Spencer go see Ashley and is being so nice to SPencer too!!!! I think that I am starting to like Ben, LOL!!! Anyways, chicka I hope that you PMS and have a GREAT DAY!!!!! HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

    2. HEY KID!!! I am happy that you posted a chapter today!!!! I am glad that Ben is letting Spencer go see Ashley and is being so nice to SPencer too!!!! I think that I am starting to like Ben, LOL!!! Anyways, chicka I hope that you PMS and have a GREAT DAY!!!!! HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

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