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    Oh Shit. (One Shot)

                    The taste of cigarettes and beer is what greeted me as her mouth covered mine, hot and hungry. Her tongue flicked out over my bottom lip, drawing a moan from deep within my throat as she slowly pushed me backwards onto the soft bed. The lighting was dim but the street lamps’ light filtering through the window was enough to make out our forms as we started to slowly rid each other of the clothes that blocked our hands from their prizes. Her ragged breathing made me more desperate as we were finally revealed to each other. It had been a long night. I’d had to endure her sultry glances, promising everything but giving nothing. Her hand trailed down my neck, making me turn my head just enough for her to fasten her lips to the point where my pulse was beating a rhythm. I arched my back just enough and she got the message, moving down in steady, if needy, kisses.

                    Soon her lips were covering my breasts, her tongue flicking over my nipple so deliciously that I couldn’t keep still, writhing beneath her demanding rhythm. She chuckled as I tried to control my movements but failed, my legs spastically moving whenever she’d hit the right spot. She knew that I needed it. She knew that I was dying for her hands to be lower, where my body was crying for attention. I reached down and quickly undid my belt before starting in on my button and zipper and she was right there with me, loving my urgency as she slipped that beautiful hand of hers down into the wet heat that she’d produced. I moaned, finally getting a bit of relief as her finger slipped over the pounding bud nestled between my legs. I was having trouble staying still again and she was soaking up this information in pleasure; loving what she could make my body do for her.

                    She teased me mercilessly, dragging her fingers just around my clit but never really touching it before she’d slip down and rub my entrance, dipping in just her fingertips before pulling them out again and repeating the process. Over and over she did this until I could not stand it and grabbed her wrist, shoving it forcefully down. She growled into my skin, nipping at my tit lightly before she finally, finally entered me. I cried out, my arm coming up to cover my eyes as my back arched. The sweet torturous relief of her fingers inside of me was enough to make me want to come right there. But she wasn’t having that. She drew her fingers in and out at a slow steady pace, letting me see the edge without actually giving me anything. She knew I would come quickly; she’d been building me up all night. She slipped her fingers out of me and I could feel how wet I was as she once again found my clit, this time rubbing me into a complete frenzy.

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