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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Another Twist, Kind of [Chapter 2])

    I see the houses fly by as we head towards the airport. We’ve only been driving for about 10 minutes which means like 20 more minutes before we get to our destination. And we have plenty of time, I mean we did get dressed pretty quickly and with complete silence of course. We changed right then and their not caring is we saw each other half naked.
    Kyla finally looked at me for the first time since we have been in the car, she just places her hand on top of mine and gives it a soft squeeze. Just to let me know she’s all right, because she definitely doesn’t look it. She slides her hand of mine but at the last second I hook my pinky with hers I pull her hand on my lap and I carefully intertwine our fingers together as I place a soft kiss on the top of her hand.

    She just smiles that smiles that I love so much to see, even when we were just friends, but now it looks like a bigger smile.

    “So a sister, huh?” I question, hating the silence in the car, and Kyla just continues driving for a few minutes before responding.

    “A sister god, I don’t even know her name.”

    “Ashley Davies” I blurt out

    “You know her?” She sort of screams out with some anger. And I can see the anger and betrayal in her eyes.

    “No baby, It was on the card you’re mom gave us.” I defend myself, hating when Kyla is mad at me, especially now after taking our friendship to a whole different level.

    She stays quiet for a couple minutes so I decide I should continue defending myself, maybe she doesn’t believe me.

    “Baby, I swear, I didn’t know, I just read it on the card that your mom gave us, I swear if I knew something I would’ve told you” She takes her finger and she places it on my lips indicating me to shut up.

    “I know Spence, I believe you, sorry for screaming at you” I kiss her finger as she tangles our hands back up and I just think about the butterflies this girls makes me feel. I decide to turn on the radio not hating the silence any less than before, we just hold hands and bob our heads to the music on the radio and in no time it seems we get to the airport.

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