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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Bra and Panties [Chapter 7])

    She groans and lies on her back. I get up and get my cell phone and see it’s my dad calling.

    “Hey Dad” I say.

    “Actually Dad, can I stay tonight too, Kyla really needs me here.” I say as I bite my lip and look over at Ashley, god I’m going to make her scream. Well not too loud, can’t let Kyla hear. God, what am I doing to Kyla, if she ever finds out, I’m so dead.

    “Okay, tomorrow, bright and early, breakfast, got it” I say as I hang up the phone. I smile as I look over at Ashley, and Kyla just leaves my mind, as I walk over to Ashley. We continue fighting for dominance with our tongues as we both let out small moans.

    “We can’t” I say as I break our kiss, that was lasting for a good 15 minutes. Sure our hands were roaming everywhere, but nothing more than kissing was happening.

    “Why not?” She asks as she looks into those eyes, god I could just melt.

    “Because your sister is in the next room” I whisper as she continues the kissing I just told her we can’t do.

    “She’s not my sister” She whispers back.

    “Yes she is, and she’s also my girlfriend, so be nice to her baby” I whisper as I take her lips with mine.

    “Okay honey” She says as she pulls my bottom lip making me whimper of course.

    “Well on that note, I guess I should leave” I say trying to get up but of course failing as Ashley pulls on my arm.

    “Come on, at least just cuddle with me” She pleads, I nod my head and we get under the covers.

    “Just to make something sure, if my sister wasn’t in the other room, would I be getting lucky right now” She says as she moved her eyebrows making me immediately smile.

    “Guess we’ll never find out” I say as I kiss her and put my head on her chest. Then we heard a knock on the door.

    “Ashley, can I come in?” I hear Kyla say as her hand touches the door knob.

    “No!” Ashley practically screams out and Kyla immediately lets go of the doorknob.

    “I’m naked, I just got out of the shower” Ashley blurts out.

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