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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Bra and Panties [Chapter 7])

    “Oh, well I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch with me” Kyla asks.

    “I would Ky, but my stomach has been acting up” She says.

    “Okay then, I’ll bring you something back” Kyla says as we hear her walk away from the door. I look at Ashley and she just smiles at me and I know what she’s thinking.

    “She’s gone” She says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I just smile and shake my head.

    She straddles me and pins my hands over my head. She attacks my neck and soon starts heading south. She kisses in between my breasts as she starts kissing the sides of my breasts.

    I let out a small whimper, and she looks at me asking if she can continue. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know if I’m ready for this big step, I mean just yesterday I found out I wanted to be with Kyla, and now I’m not even sure about that. Sure the feelings had always been there, but never said aloud.

    Ashley looks at me and can see the debating going on in my head, so she just lies besides me and hold me close to her. She strokes my hair and kisses me on the forehead before just stroking my arm and cuddling into me. I smile and realize that she won’t go any further if I don’t feel comfortable with it.

    I look into her eyes and smile as she looks into mine. I kiss her, I deepen the kiss, and surprise her as I move my hands behind her back and unclasp her bra. I throw it to the side as I just look at those perfect breasts I was imagining seeing like this before.

    There at attention and pointing straight at me, asking to be sucked, and bitten, and everything. They’re just being asked to be touched. I look at Ashley and see her biting her lip, trying to control herself from just taking advantage of me. I smile as I lean in the middle of her breasts.

    I kiss the in between area, and start heading towards the right one, I stop when I’m so close to the nipple, and start heading towards the left one, placing small kisses on the way there.

    I stop again, right before the nipple, and decide the right one deserves the first taste. Sure I’m teasing her, but I’m loving every minute of it, and I’m sure she is too. Sure I’m not too experienced, but I’ve had my view at some lesbian action going on, I mean you can practically find anything on the internet.

    “Just decide!” I hear her whimper, and I smile and decide, definitely the right one, it looks better, don’t ask how I know, it just feels right. Then a ring tone interrupts us again. Crap.

    Ashley leys out a groan before I get up and get my phone again. It’s a text message from Kyla.

    Hey, wanna have lunch?

    I read the message. I looked over at Ashley.

    Im actually about to eat

    I respond. As I bite my lip, and chuckle a bit to my own joke. I see Ashley look at me weird.

    “God damn, hurry it up” She says. I just laugh some more as I feel my phone start to vibrate.

    Ok call u later

    I answer immediately and throw my phone off to the side.


    I start walking towards Ashley and I could’ve sworn a saw the door move, but its probably because it’s broken. I forgot to tell Kyla about that door. I walk over and lock it before walking so seductively slow, well as best as I can, towards Ashley.

    Oh, I am going to have some fun today.

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