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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: I choose who i love [Chapter 5])

    “Ok” she says with sad eyes, which makes this much harder than I thought it would be.
    “The thing is I like you, I really do, you’re beautiful, you’re gorgeous, your body is great, and you’re almost perfect.” I stop there and see her blush a bit, it causes me to turn and look down also blushing.

    “But” She snaps me out of my sudden interest with the floor under me.

    “But, you’re not Kyla, she’s my best friend, she has been since I moved out here, I mean, I think I love her, she knows so much about me, and I know so much about her.” I say

    “But you don’t” I give her a confused look

    “What do you mean?” I ask her wondering, how she would know, even if it was true

    “You don’t love Kyla, just because you’ve been friends with her so long doesn’t automatically make you soul mates.” She spits out, I look at her with complete anger, how does she know how I feel.

    “You are no one to tell me what I’m feeling or who I’m feeling it for, ok, got it?” I practically yell out.

    “If you loved her, you wouldn’t have been questioning it before, you wouldn’t think you’re in love with her, you would know, and you sure as hell wouldn’t be having this conversation with me, when you finally realize you’re true feelings and all that bull shit, I am not going to be waiting or anything, so make sure Kyla is what you want, because even though I barely know you, I know what I’m feeling and if you’re not feeling that now, then you shouldn’t feel it later either, got it?” I sort of got confused at what she said, I’m sure she got pretty confused too, it was said out of pure anger but she meant it.

    I nodded my head and she just turned around and headed outside with me following. We get to Kyla’s car as Ashley gets in the back and I get in the passengers side with Kyla holding her hand after I get my seatbelt on. She looks at me and smiles before starting the car and casually talking to Ashley.

    I look over at Ashley and see her answering all of Kyla’s questions while she looks out the window. Sure I feel bad, I really have feeling for Ashley, but Kyla and I have been through so much, it’s just like, a fairy tale movie thingy, two best friends fall in love, and they live happily ever after, except in movies neither best friend has feelings for some other person.

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