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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: We need to talk [Chapter 4])

    As we walked towards the front door Ashley ran her hand down my arm as she laced our fingers together and I can’t help but smile as I feel those goose bumps run up and down my spine. Almost the same feeling Kyla gives me, Oh crap, Kyla is going to be pissed. I look down ay mine and Ashley’s hand and see how perfectly they fit together. Like pieces of a puzzle, they are like made for each other or something, its actually pretty weird. Almost like soul mates you hear in fairy tales or something like that.
    We got to the main waiting room in the airport before I stopped and pulled my hand away from Ashley. She turned to me with a look sort of hurt and it hurt me seeing her like that.

    “I forgot my phone back there” And I turned right around and walked away. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Ashley following me and I wait for her and lean into her ear.

    “Wait for me hear, in the waiting room, I promise to get back.” I whisper while making sure I graze her ear as I say this. She just nods her head turns around and walks away. God, I got her in the palm of my hand. I walk towards the closest bathroom I can find and walk in while I stare into the mirror. I turn on the sink and splash water on my face.

    I take my phone out of my purse and go through my pictures. The truth is I saw Kyla in the waiting room, and thank god she didn’t see me holding Ashley’s hand, thank god she didn’t see me at all. Because Kyla can read me like a book, she probably can tell if I’ve kissed someone else, especially now that we’ve kissed.

    “God why is this so difficult?” I say out loud

    “What’s so difficult?” I hear from somewhere behind me.

    “Who’s there?” I respond out loud, there is no way it’s a ghost.

    “Oh sorry for eavesdropping, my name is Madison” This Latina girl says as she comes out of the stalls. She’s really cute you could say, but I don’t know, I don’t really find her that attractive. God, I swear, now I like over examine all the girls I see and I decide to just tell myself my feeling for them. This is really weird, I see Madison move her mouth but no words come out, and with that I return to the real world.

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