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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: What have I gotten myself into [Chapter 6])

    I woke up without Kyla in my arms. I lay on my back and just stared at my ceiling as I still had both Ashley and Kyla on my mind. I was comparing them, and each had their flaws, each had their pros. God why did this have to happen, ugh. I hear someone knock on the door.
    “Come in” I say, hoping its Kyla. I wanted to talk to her, and tell her everything. Everything I’m feeling, everything going on in my head, I didn’t want any lies between the both of us.

    Ashley walks in the room with a huge smile on here face. She waved at me as she closed the door and walked up to me and gave me a huge kiss on the lips. I tried to stop it, but her lips were just so good, I couldn’t part them. She stopped the kiss and look into my eyes as she leaned her forehead on mine.

    “You’re so beautiful” She said as she kissed me again. I smiled as she broke the kiss again.

    “Well I was thinking, me and you, are real great together” I smiled a bit but I immediately thought of Kyla.

    “Ash, we already talked about this” I said.

    “I know I know” She said cutting me off.

    “But I don’t see why me and Kyla can’t share” She said. I looked at her completely confused.

    “Ash, I don’t think Kyla would like that” I said.

    “Well she doesn’t have to know” She said with a sly smile. I can’t do that, that would be cheating on Kyla, it would be wrong, even if Ashley is like the hottest thing alive. Wait why am I even thinking about this it should be an easy answer. Ashley, no, it’s so easy Spencer, say it, tell her no, say it god damn it.

    “Ash,” I started.

    “Listen, I understand that you want to be with Kyla, she’s your first girlfriend and all, but you don’t love her, trust me I know, it feels right because she’s always been there for you and all, but she’s not that special person, I can tell by the way you look at her.” She said. I looked at her, maybe she was right.

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