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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: You can lose everything in just 5 minutes [Chapter 10])

    “What are you talking about?” I ask her, acting as clueless as I can.
    “I was home, when you got there didn’t my dad tell you I was sleeping” I said.

    “I’m not talking about when I went to go see you, where the hell were you this afternoon?” She practically screams.

    I just looked at the ground, getting ready to get yelled at. I don’t know how she knows, but she does, I can see it in her eyes.

    “Why would you do this Spencer, I can’t believe you would do this to me, what do you have to say for yourself?” Kyla asked, I just tried to keep the tears from falling down my face, never has Kyla yelled at me, and now it’s even worse because, just yesterday we just reached a new level in our relationship.

    “I’m sorry” I say, saying it with complete sincerity. I mean it so bad, and I want her to know it, I want her to know that if I could change it I would.

    “Sorry, all you can say to me is sorry?” She screams again. Raising her voice, trying so hard to not let those tears in her eyes out, she’s trying so hard to make me feel bad, and I deserve it.

    “Get out, I don’t ever want to see you again, ever” She screams the word stronger than the rest. I decide it would be better just to go, but I can’t without saying something.

    “She meant nothing Kyla, she’s not like you, she’s not you, I want you, not her, I’m sorry.” I say as I place my hand on the doorknob hoping she changes her mind, hoping she tells me to stay so we can talk about it.

    But Nothing.

    I just hear her start sobbing, I turn around to look at her, her face in the pillow, her whole body just laying there, as I hear the sobs come through the pillow.

    “She means nothing to me, you do, you’re my everything, she just isn’t you” I say as I open the door and see Ashley standing there. Her eyes shining, from the tears she’s holding back.

    And that’s when it happens, I feel my heart break into a million more pieces, the million pieces that it was just in, broke again,.

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