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    Ohhh the First Time.


     Ohhh the First Time


    So I have been dating Spencer for about three months, and it has been beyond amazing. And it’s different too, but in a good way. See, I have never really been in a serious relationship. Though, I think that’s just because I haven’t met anybody worth a relationship, that is, until Spencer.

                It’s been three months, and we haven’t…done it yet. Spencer wants to wait until she’s ready and I am OK with that. I want it to be special too. And I have a feeling that tonight might be the night, she’s spending the night, and also, lately when we’ve been making out, things have gotten more intense. It’s not just kissing anymore…we’ve been letting our hands roam and such. She even grabbed onto one of my boobs the other night. Yum.

                “Hey babe,” I smile as I answer the door and see my lovely girlfriend.

                “Hey,” she smirks and goes to put me into a hug. God she smells so good, and I love when she presses her warm body up against mine. These three months have been hard.

                I go to carry her bag for her, and she thanks me.

                She tells me that she has to use the restroom and I nod. I just stand there, motionless, as I watch her walk away. God, I scored. I scored big time, she is so hot. Every time I see her, I just want to rip her clothes off and fuck her.

                It doesn’t help that she’s wearing a skirt and a tank top…showing off more skin that needs to be shown off. God, I just want to throw her on top of the counter and shove my hand right underneath that skirt and make her feel good.

                I was lost in my thoughts so I didn’t hear her speak. “Ashley?”


                “You OK?”


                “You seem a little…distracted,” and with that she smiles, which makes me wonder if she’s teasing me or not.

                “No,” I say sternly, “Wanna watch that movie?” I ask, and motion to the living room.




                I have been trying hard to focus on the movie, but I can’t. All the lights are turned off and Spencer is cuddle so close to my body. I have my arm wrapped around her back, and if I wanted to, I could easily grab a hold of her left breast, but I control myself.

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    1. its been like forever since you posted anything new lol okay so not forever but it felt like it :) great job another succeful one-shot :) keep them coming :) (no pun intended)…..okay so maybe a little pun intended lol :) great job

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