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    One Look – (Chapter: I Fell So Hard)


                “Just this morning.  We were handling an account in New York and instead of taking the non-stop back, we chose the one with the layover here.”  Glen answered hastily.  “And a good thing too, cause if we hadn’t he never would have seen Spencer.”


                “Would you just let it go dude?”


                “Oh hell no, you were droolin’ all over yourself!”  The three of them shared a good laugh at my expense.  “I could’ve drown in the puddle on the floor.”

                “Ha ha ha.”  Luckily I was saved by the bell when my phone started ringing.  “Well as much fun as this is, I think I’m gonna go take this.”


                “Wooooohoooo… it Spencer?”  I just walked away to a choir of kissing sounds and various cat calls.  Once I was safely out of the bar and out of the line of fire I picked up my phone.




                “Hey.  How’s it going?”


                “Hey Ash; good, we met up with Clay and Chelsea and we’re just gonna hang for a bit.  How’d the job interview go?”


                “I don’t know.  Alright I guess.  I won’t know if I actually got the job until Friday.”


                “I’m sure you got it.”


                “I hope so, I really want it.  Listen, I was just calling because I couldn’t remember what time I had to pick you up tomorrow.”


                “Are you serious? I told you like seven times!  I put it on the fridge!  I even-”


                “Aiden, Aiden, Aiden!  Calm down I’m kidding!  Jeez, you’re so uptight!  I hope you are in a better mood when you come home tomorrow.  I just wanted to let you know I will be there tomorrow at one.”


                “I hate you.”


                “You love me.  You couldn’t live without me.”


                “Yeah right, if you say so.”


                “Who else would you get to do your icky smelly laundry?”


                “I could get plenty of people to dye all of my white clothes pink.”


                “Oh come on, that was one time!  Are you gonna hold that over my head forever?”


                “Umm….yeah probably.”


                “Alright, whatever.  See if I pick you up tomorrow!”  She said as she tried her best not to laugh.  “Go back to your friends, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


                “Cool.  Thanks Ash.  Bye.”  I flipped my phone closed with a smile and headed back to the bar.

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    1. I’ll admit it, I am a Spaiden hater. But now that I’ve seen evidence that Ashley is in this story I’m your avid fan. :] Sorry ’bout all the grief but ever since the season finale I’ve been going crazy with this intense hate for all things Aiden related (including his relationships a.k.a. – spaiden, kyden, ashden) Haha. I love the story though. Keep posting. I love it.

    2. So many Spaiden biggots, so little time. What is up with you readers…this is caseygurl. I would be amazed, befuddled, completely taken by surprise if this did not turn into Spashley…and periodically, humor works better than heart thrashing drama…but again, this is caseygurl. I’m sure that will be in here too. Be patient and all will be revealed. And to you gurl, good start, but, ahem, edit :-D Oh, and Spaiden is for the Spencer Aiden forum!! :-P We’re all going to think your not gay for crying out loud!

    3. Spaiden shmaiden. Like Spencer could ever be satisfied by that cardboard cutout man-candy of a boy. Once she meets Ashley the lesbo fires will start a’flamin.So anyway. Dude, totally throw me a cookie, yo. Do you have walnut chocolate chip?

    4. I finished reading this and the SECOND, the SECOND I did so, my cat started miaowing endlessly. My cat NEVER makes that much noise, so i guess she liked it as much as I did :D I don’t even care that it’s Spaiden. I like different fics. But I love your fics. Love love love. And you so have to give me a cookie dude, I built the factory for you! (P.S. Check out your office, there’s a life size cut out of Spencer in there… (and I left my underwear in your safe but that’s another story), enjoy)

    5. I’ll admit it, I am a Spaiden hater. But now that I’ve seen evidence that Ashley is in this story I’m your avid fan. :] Sorry ’bout all the grief but ever since the season finale I’ve been going crazy with this intense hate for all things Aiden related (including his relationships a.k.a. – spaiden, kyden, ashden) Haha. I love the story though. Keep posting. I love it.

    6. So many Spaiden biggots, so little time. What is up with you readers…this is caseygurl. I would be amazed, befuddled, completely taken by surprise if this did not turn into Spashley…and periodically, humor works better than heart thrashing drama…but again, this is caseygurl. I’m sure that will be in here too. Be patient and all will be revealed. And to you gurl, good start, but, ahem, edit :-D Oh, and Spaiden is for the Spencer Aiden forum!! :-P We’re all going to think your not gay for crying out loud!

    7. Spaiden shmaiden. Like Spencer could ever be satisfied by that cardboard cutout man-candy of a boy. Once she meets Ashley the lesbo fires will start a’flamin.So anyway. Dude, totally throw me a cookie, yo. Do you have walnut chocolate chip?

    8. I finished reading this and the SECOND, the SECOND I did so, my cat started miaowing endlessly. My cat NEVER makes that much noise, so i guess she liked it as much as I did :D I don’t even care that it’s Spaiden. I like different fics. But I love your fics. Love love love. And you so have to give me a cookie dude, I built the factory for you! (P.S. Check out your office, there’s a life size cut out of Spencer in there… (and I left my underwear in your safe but that’s another story), enjoy)

    9. dun dun dun there’s ashley!! phew i was wondering where she went. btw just to let you know i’m an avid fan of your writings, from memories to growing up and this new fic. I love it all!!! i cant wait to read more!! and hey can i have some of the chocolate chip cookies too? :D

    10. dun dun dun there’s ashley!! phew i was wondering where she went. btw just to let you know i’m an avid fan of your writings, from memories to growing up and this new fic. I love it all!!! i cant wait to read more!! and hey can i have some of the chocolate chip cookies too? :D

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