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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 10)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 10

    Gosh, she much be crazy! I’m not sure how 2 fractured ribs would fell, but I’m pretty sure its painful. And look at her she wants to go play ping- pong. I quickly went to open the door for Ashley.

    "I got it!" she scolded me. We slowly walked out of the room and down the hall. "Ok, now to get down the stairs!"

    She slowly took a step down. I could tell this was going to be harder than when I got her up the stairs. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, conserned.

    "Yes, it might take me a qhile….ow…….get down the stairs, but….. I’m fine!" After about I’d say 10 minutes we finally reached the bootom step.

    "See that wasn’t so hard." I just rolled my eyes. Bill had just walked into the room.

    "Honey, what are you doing? You should be in bed resting!" he asked.

    "Spencer and I were going to play some ping- pong." Ashley told him.

    "Ping- pong," he repeated, with a stunned look on him face.

    "Yeah" she said lightly, taking several steps foward. "Why?"

    "You have-" Bill began angrily, but Ashley cut him off.

    "- two fractured ribs and a broken arm. I know, Dad. But hey, I made it down the stairs, right? If I can do that, I think I can play ping-pong." Bill opened him mouth, closed it, and openied it again. In the end of a fifteen minute argument (which I pretty much stayed out of), he agreed to let Ashley play as long as we kept the basement door opened and promised to call him if Ashley started to hurt.

    "Thank God that’s over" she muttered, hobbling in to the garage. There to the side of the garage was a old, slightly rusted ping-pong table.

    "Are you sure your up for this?" I asked.

    "Yeah, and I am so going to kick you ass."

    I gave her a competitive smile and said "Well, bring it!" Ashley stayed on the near end of the table, while I walked over to the other side.

    "So you know how to play?" she asked.

    "Yeah," I said subcontously, I really didn’t, but how hard could it be? I took the paddle that was laying on the table and got into position. Ashley took a ping- pong ball from a shelf right next to her and served it. Watching the ball very carefully, I swung at it and literally missed it by half a foot. I heard Ashley chuckle. "Hey, I……just need to warm up."

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