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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 3)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 3


    "Spencer! Ashley! Dinner!" I heard a voice call out from the living room. I looked at Ashley, she just looked back at me. There was just this really akward moment, before Ashley said "Well, lets go eat!" We both headed out the door towards the dinner table. The table was sorta crowded with 7 people, I sat next to Ashley. I looked on the table and there was chinese takeout, some sweet and sour chicken, pork fried rice, bourbon chicken, and so much good stuff. Everyone just started to take some food, I decided on just some st/s chicken and some rice.


    "So Spencer" Bill asked with a smirk on his face. "Getting along with Ashley so far?"


    "Yeah" I answered sorta confused.


    Ashley leaned over and whispered "When I was little, I used to always get temper tantrums and one time I started yelling at my friends so much, I kinda never really saw her again, so my dad always gets on me for that."


    I chucked at her statement. "Did you have any siblings?" Beverly asked.


    "Actually, no I was an only child." I replied. For the rest of dinner, Ashley parents just talked to each other about work, her brothers had finished and was back in the living room wathing Spongebob, and Ashley was listening to me talk about how I lived before the accident.


    "Well, we live in St. Petersburg. We had this house it was just me, my mom, and my dad. 4 bed rooms, I would have to say I was spoiled." I said.


    "Wow, it must of been really tough, after the accident." She replied.


    Suddenly I felt the sadness come back to me, like as it has many times before. I guess she relised what she had said and quickly appoligized "Oh, I’m sorry…….you ok?"


    "Yeah, I’m fine" I reasured her, and gave her a smile.


    "You done eatting? Want to go back to my room?" She asked me.


    "Yeah, sure."


    She got up taking both of our plates to the sink and I followed her back to her room. "Tommorrow, I was planning on going to the beach, did you want to come with me?"

    "Sure, I guess"


    "Thats cool, she picked up her magizine that was on her bed and started reading it." I just sat there, I walked over to my black sports bag with my stuff that was in it and took out my white apple laptop. I turned around seeing Ashley looking over her magizine with one brow up. "Dang." she said in awe. I just looked at her and smiled.


    "Can I see that?" she started.


    "The answer is……no, at least for right now cause I’m writing in my journal." She looked at me with a confused look, but just turned her attention back to her magizine acationally looking at me. I just started typing.

    April 9, 2007

    Today, I met my foster ‘family’ I guess I could say, their actually really nice, They have 2 sons, one was adopted, and they have a daughter around my age. Ashley, she is really nice and funny and really hot. OMG I can’t beleive I’m saying that……… ,but its true. We really are getting along really well, and I don’t know what to say. I really miss mom and dad, and my friends back in St. Pete. Now I guess thats it.


    I saved the document and looked up at Ashley, she was sitting on her bed legs crossed with her chin resting on her elbow just watching me type. We held a gaze for a few seconds, then she broke into a smile and said "I’m going to bed"


    "Goodnight! Don’t let the purple cows bite!" she said before a big chuckle and she went to sleep. I pondered over that statement for a second before also drifting off into sleep.






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