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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 4)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 4

    Waking up to the smell of pancakes, and the sizzling of bacon on the stove. I slowly open my eyes observing the white painted ceiling and contemplated over if I should get up or not. My stomach won the battle. I quickly got up and straighted up my bed a little. Ashley was still sleeping with her covers over her head. I walked to the door walking out. Jeffery and Don were already eatting their pancakes.


    "Oh, your up! Would you like some pancakes?" Bevery asked me.


    "Yes, Please" I replied. Beverly set a plate with some bacon and some pancakes on the table for me.


    "Is Ashley up yet?" she asked.


    "Um…" I replied.


    "Could you wake her for me?"


    I headed back into the room, where Ashley was now almost falling off the bed. She had one arm over the side of the bed. I just walked over and whispered really loudly "Ashley, wake up!" she just groaned. I decided to start poking her. "Ahhh!!! Attack of the orange orangatangs from Germany!" she screamed out right before she slid right off the bed. I started chuckling.


    "OWWW!!" she cried out rubbing her head "Spencer, what was that for."


    "I didn’t make you fall off the bed and orange orangatangs from Germany?"


    "What?" she asked.


    "Nevermind, your mom told me to wake you up."


    "Oh, breakfast time, yippee!" she said while merrily skipping out the door.


    I followed her out, sitting at the spot where Beverly had set my breakfast. I started popping a peice of bacon in my mouth while watching Ashley gobble down a whole pancake in 3 bites. We finished the rest of our breakfast and headed back into the room to change. "Todays Tuesday don’t you have school?" I asked.


    "Nah, its Spring break." she replied while pulling out a small green t-shirt that had the words Blink 182 across the front.


    "Oh, thats weird, ours was last week."


    "What, lucky you get to have last week and this week off!" she replied "You want to go to the mall right?"


    "I don’t know, it doen’t really matter."

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