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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 6)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 6

    As I sat in the car waiting for Ashley I pondered the stores to browse through. I didn’t have that much money on me so I hoped Ashley had some.


    Just then, the front door swung open and Ashley stepped out. She hesitated just out side the door and said something over her shoulder. Then she shut the door and walked toward the car.


    I mentally compaired our out fits, she was wearing long- straight- dark denim jeands, some Nike tennis shoes and a plain white T-shirt, yet she still looked gorgeous. I had on a black shirt with +44 written on it, some dark denim bell-cottoms, my DC shoes, and jacket, and was about to put on my DC hat, but decided against it on the thought of over kill on the DC logo.


    Ashley pulled open the door and sat down in the drivers seat, I tossed her the keys.


    "You got everything?" Ashley asked, as she shoved the key in the ignition.


    "Yeah, do you got money?" I replied.


    "Uh," she said as she slamed her car door and pulled out her wallet, "only like 60 bucks."


    "Ok, and I have 50 so we’re good."

    "Ok, buckle up." she said as she pulled on her seat belt. I reached around and pulled on mine. I say one of the boys running in the backyard as we pulled down the dusty driveway. We stopped at the end of the driveway and Ashley leaned forward to look both ways. She pulled out and started to turn on the radio when I asked "So where do you wnat to go first?"


    "I don’t really care,this was your idea, remember?" she said as she flicked on the headlights, because it was getting dark.


    We pulled up to a stoplight and Ashley turned on the radio. I thought quietly about where to go first. The light turned green and I listened to the hum of our cars motor as Ashley shifted gears. For some reason it was a very soothing sound to me, I closed my eyes and drowned out the radio. We pulled to a stop at the next stoplight.


    I peeked at the light in time to see it turn green and then saw a bright light out of the corner of my eye. I turned toward Ashley’s window to see two bright lights headed toward us. Then I felt a jerk, some pain and then everything went black.


    1. oh my god… please dont tell me they are hurt!! god i wonder if this makes spencer realize that she has a crush on ashley?? i dont know but PMS so we can know what happens!!

    2. oh my god… please dont tell me they are hurt!! god i wonder if this makes spencer realize that she has a crush on ashley?? i dont know but PMS so we can know what happens!!

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