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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 7)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 7

    I woke up to the steady beep of a heart rate monitor. I peeredinto the bright light above my head, everything was blurry. OMG, deja vu.


    Suddenly it got darker, my eyes started to focus. There was a nurse bending over me.


    "Thanks for joining us Spencer!" said the nurse.


    "MMM…..what?" I said


    "You’ve been passed out for the past hour, do you remember what happened?" the nurse asked kindly.


    "Um," I thought hard about what had happened, "I remember me and Ashley were driving to the mall, and I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the stoplight we were at had just turned green. Then I saw a bright light over on Ashley side of the car, so I turned to look and then I felt a jerk and then I don’t remember anything untill now."


    "Ok," said the nurse," let me fill in the blank spots, you guys were hit by a drunk driver, he was going about 45 or 50 when he hit you. He hit Ashley’s door and pushed you across the intersection. You have a few cuts and bruses and a broken are, but Ashley……"


    "OH MY GOD! Is Ashley dead?!!!!" I was starting to panic not. I was taking short rapid breathes now, and was starting to get dizzy.


    "Wow wow wow! Calm down Spencer! She’s not dean she’s just in the Intensive Care Unit you can go visit her when you get a more permanent cast on your arm" My breathing slowed and I started to think more clearly.


    "So how do you know my name?" I asked.


    "The fire department found your I.D. in your wallet, along with Ashley’s I.D. in her wallet."


    "Oh, ok. SO when can I go see Ashley?" I asked, just as Beverly walked in. I noticed her eyes were red and swollen and her cheeks were tear strained.


    "The doctor told me you were up," she said, struggling to keep her voice level. Tears started to stream down her cheeks once more. She walked over and sat at the foor of the hospital bed.


    "I’ll give you two some time alone." said the nurse, pulling the door closed behind her as she left.


    "Your sister’s in the ICU, she’s beaten up pretty bad." Beverly said her voice starting to crack.


    "Well, I’m getting tired, so can I go back to sleep," I lied to Beverly.


    "Uh, sure I’ll see you later." she stood up and walked towars the door. She pulled it open and glanced back. "Take care," she said and blew me a kiss.


    Then Beverly dissapeared behind the closed door. When I hear the door click closed, I shut my eyes tight and tried to fight the tears along with the lump in my throat, How

    could this happen to me? Two car crashes in a month! First my parents and now my Ashley!


    I thought about how Beverly had been crying and what she had said. I wondered how bad Ashley actually was. Than I closed my eyes tighter, but it didn’t help. The tears flowed down over my cheeks and my whimpering filled the room.


    1. I feel so freaking sad for Spencer. How much can one person take?! And i love how Beverly said sister…LoL! Not going to saty that way i hope! PMS!

    2. I feel so freaking sad for Spencer. How much can one person take?! And i love how Beverly said sister…LoL! Not going to saty that way i hope! PMS!

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