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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 8)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 8


    I slept into a deep sleep, filled with painful dreams of both resent car crashes. I woke with a jolt and found myself still in the hospital. This time I sat up and observed the room. My arm started throbbing, but I ignored the pain then looked around.


    I hated the way hospitals smelled, so stale. no comfort. The room I was in was mostly blue, blue walls, blue sheets, and some other stuff, but mostly blue junk that was unfamiliar to me.


    I sat there alone in the room and I bursted back into tears. So much had happened in such little time. Two car crashes, my parents dying, and Ashley getting hurt! It was just all so much.


    Just than a nurse stepped in the room. It was the same woman from earlier. "Your awake?" she asked.


    "Yeah,……….can I see Ashley now?" I begged.


    "You should rest a bit longer, but………she seem really dear to you."


    A smile creeped on my face and I unsucceful tried jumping out of my bed. The nurse quickly rushed to my side to help me. Ashley’s room was only 3 rooms from mine. When I got to the door. I was so anxious, yet so nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. Slowly turning the knob I walked in.


    There laid Ashley, she looked really badly injured. I stood there in shoock and tears once again started rolling down my cheeks. I hurriedly ran to her side.


    "Ashley?…………" I cried. I could hear the door shut. "Ashley, I’m so sorry! If I never would have suggested to go to the mall none of this would have happened!" I held her

    hand in mine.


    I sat there thinking about everything that was going on in my head. Everything was just so confusing.


    I felt her hand sqeeze my hand tighter. "Sp….ee…ncce?" Ashley croaked out.


    "Ashley! Are you ok?" I pleaded, she just groaned. I quickly grabbed her a glass of water, after a long drink she replied. I’m ok, a little sore, but ok." I placed a kiss on the

    top of her hand. Ashley turned to look at me.

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