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    Our Way – (Chapter: Beauty and the Beauty)

    Jessica pressed her cell phone against her ear as she did her Science homework. Spencer had just finished telling her about her date with Ashley. Jessica was happy for Spencer because all she wanted was for her happiness and if she couldn’t give that to her then she wasn’t right for her. So she did what she could only do, just wait.

    “And I don’t know, but it just seems right.” Spencer giggled. Jessica nodded her head in agreement, “Mhm.”

    Jessica dropped her pen and relaxed her fingers. Her callus on her middle finger was getting bigger by each scientific word she wrote and it was disgusting.

    “What’s up with you? How’s your love life?”

    “Well hmm, let me think about that…..No, there’s no love life.”

    Spencer laughed lightly before finally understanding what her friend meant. She had no love life because the person that she loved, aka her, wasn’t there. Her heart crumbled into pieces, feeling terrible. What could she do, get with her? But that meant she wouldn’t have Ashley.

    “But you and Ashley you guys are perfect for each other. It’s good that you guys are finally together; it makes the world seem right.

    Spencer fell silent in awe. “Thanks, buddy.”

    “No need for the thanks.”

    It was the day after Spencer had talked to Jessica. The bell had just rung and she was on her way to meet up with her girlfriend who was waiting for her at their spot. Spencer walked across the campus holding on to her folder as she made her way towards Ashley. She grinned from ear to ear in amazement by how beautiful Ashley was.

    “Why are you such in a happy mood?”

    “Your beauty makes me so gushy.” Spencer laughed kissing her on the cheek.

    “I am beautiful, huh.” Ashley laughed. Spencer punched her lightly in the arm.

    “Where are we going today, my princess?”

    “I was thinking we could head to the park.”

    Ashley got up holding out her hand for Spencer. She gladly took it and they walked hand in hand towards the park.

    “You are so not winning!” Spencer yelled, “You’re not allowed to stretch out your legs! That’s not fair!” Ashley swung higher putting out her legs in front of her tempting Spencer to yell at her again.

    “I’m beating you!”

    “You little cheater!” Spencer screamed reaching out her arm and wrapped her fingers around the metal chain. The two swings began to move side to side and the girls laughed in excitement.

    “You’re gonna hit the pole, Ash!”

    Before Ashley got hit she pushed herself off the pole and crashed into Spencer. They both collapsed on the floor laughing.

    “Aww, that hurt.” Spencer coughed catching her breathe.

    “At least I didn’t hit the pole.” Ashley rubbed her head gently feeling for any deformity that might have occurred.

    “Race you to the top of the jungle gym.” Spencer exclaimed already running. Ashley fixed her hair and rushed after her climbing up the stairs at maximum speed. “I’m gonna get you!” Ashley reached out in front of her towards the blonde. Spencer picked up speed pushing her body off of the railings to get ahead. Ashley took the stairs two at the time finally catching up; she barely caught her from winning. She laughed exhaustedly wrapping her arms around her waist.

    “Aha! I got you!” Ashley laughed nuzzling her head into Spencer’s neck. Spencer breathed heavily collapsing in her girlfriend’s arms.

    “You make me soo tired.” Spencer groaned.

    “I make you tired! Pshhh…have you ever tried running after you, it’s fairly hard.”

    Spencer laughed loudly leaning against Ashley’s small body. “You’re the best.”



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