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    Our Way – (Chapter: Drawing)

    Spencer sat at the kitchen counter pushing around her food with her fork. Her body was numb, bones weak, and she didn’t feel like going to school that morning. The sound of someone’s footsteps neared her but she didn’t bother to look back. Jessica sat on the stool beside me and placed laid her head on top of her arms.


    “Sleep well?”


    She shook her head groaning, Spencer leaned over rubbing her back. “I told my parents what happened.”


    “I bet they hate me.”


    Spencer scoffed, “No, their just really worried. They said they were going to go over your house to get your stuff. They want you to live here for a little bit because they don’t want you to go to your unstable mom.”


    Jessica smiled at me and pulled her arms around me. “Your such a great friend.”  Spencer nodded laughing a little. They pulled apart and smiled.




    “Ugh, I know.”



    Steven slung his arms around Jessica and Spencer continuing to walk with them. “How are my two favorite ladies, this fine morning?”






    Steven nodded chuckling a little. “What’d you do this weekend?”


    “Well-“ Jessica started.


    “Because I had an awesome weekend!”


    Spencer looked at Jessica and rolled her eyes. Jessica covered her mouth and laughed.


    “Jae, did you go to my game on Saturday? Tell me you did.”


    “I di-“


    “Cause I was totally rocking that game! I mean it was just swish swish swish.” Steven removed his arms and threw them up as if he were shooting.




    “I guess we’ll be going now.” Spencer said quickly linking arms with Jessica as they scurried off to their 1st period.



    Jessica sat down placing her books on the bench with a big thud and stretches her long body beside it. She extends her arms over her head letting out a big yawn.  She opened up one eye and looked at me putting one of her hands up to cover her face from the sun.


    “How was 2nd period?”


    “P.E. is a bitch.” Spencer says easily and begins to dig into her back pocket. Coins drop out one by one hitting the bench with ding before it lays flatly against the wood. She hands Jessica a paper and smiles, “Read it.”


    Jessica takes the paper confused and unravels the numerous folds to reveal a cartoon drawing. She turns head to the side and starts to laugh.


    “Your so bad, Spence.”


    “It’s not like she noticed.”


    She turned the picture over to her best friend and stared at her. “Come on, she’s half naked.”


    “I didn’t do right when I saw her, geez. I just had it imprinted into my imagination and I drew it.” Spencer nodded happily before grabbing her drawing and pressing it against her chest. “It’s still in her though.” She says taping her head.


    “Wait till I show, Ashley.”


    “You wouldn’t dare.”


    “Ashley!” Jessica hollered beckoning her head to come over.


    Ashley ends her conversation with her boyfriend and walks over to us. She nods, “What’s up?”


    “Spencer has a drawing she wants to show you.”


    Spencer crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash can beside her.


    “What was that for?” Jessica whined.


    “I wanted to see the drawing, Spencer.”


    “It’s nothing. It was really bad anyways.”




    Jessica grabbed her books and pulled Spencer next to her. “I’ll see you at lunch, Ash.” Jessica said waving to her.


    Ashley waited for them to turn the corner before she crept up to the trashcan and grabbed the crumbled paper and opened it up. It showed her in her bra and underwear sitting in the locker room. I love Ashley was scribbled in cursive on the bottom.  


    Ashley still in shock folded it and put it in her back pocket. Craig came up behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Ready to go, baby?” Ashley nodded.


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